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词汇 caught
例句 We knew that if anyone caught us cheating there would be hell to pay. 我们知道如果有人抓住我们作弊,就要出大麻烦了。There's a risk that I'll be caught, but I'm going to chance it.我可能会被抓住,但我准备冒险一试。My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound.我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。His foot was caught in the jaws of the trap.他的脚被夹在捕兽夹的钳口里。When his mother caught him cheating she really made him suffer.他母亲发现他作弊之后,让他吃了很多苦头。A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.观众看到偶像时高声欢呼起来。His foot caught in the cable and he fell under the train.他脚绊到电缆,摔倒在火车下面。The bullet caught him in the leg.子弹打中了他的腿。We got caught in the rain on the way home.我们在回家的路上淋雨了。An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention.站台上的一幅巨幅广告牌吸引了她的注意力。The kite caught in the electric wires.风筝钩在电线上了。A guard caught him smuggling alcohol into the concert.当他正想把酒带进音乐会时,一名守卫抓住了他。This will teach you how to avoid being caught unprepared.这将教会你如何避免措手不及。George caught the look and decided that Bess had better leave before she exploded.乔治看到这一表情,认为最好让贝丝在发作之前离开。Pat caught her daughter stealing money from her purse.帕特当场抓住女儿从自己的钱包中偷钱。The criminal was finally caught in the net of justice.罪犯终于落入法网。The Government has found it's caught in a trap of its own making.政府发觉陷入了由自己造成的困境之中。She was caught with a pony copied into her textbook.她被抓到拿教材的翻译稿打小抄。He was afraid of being caught by the police.他怕被警察抓住。You'll be in trouble if you're caught slacking on the job.如果你被抓到工作时偷懒,那你就麻烦了。As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.她从身边走过,我闻到一股淡淡的香水味。She caught a coldly calculating glint in the other woman's eye.她看到另一个女人眼中闪现出阴冷而工于心计的目光。They caught an early flight back to Boston.他们乘了早班飞机回波士顿。When the murderer is caught we can all sleep easier in our beds at night.等到杀人犯被抓时,我们晚上都可以睡得更安心。The Scottish Executive has been caught feathering the nest of private prison operators at the taxpayers' expense.这位苏格兰行政长官被发现动用纳税人的钱为私人监狱经营者牟利。They caught him trying to sneak food into the theater.他偷带食品进剧院被人发现。Many drug dealers are prepared to take the risk because they know that if they are caught the punishment will be mild.许多毒贩都甘愿冒此风险,因为他们知道即使被抓获,判刑也是很轻的。A waiter came and hovered. John caught my look and we both got up and, ignoring the waiter, made our way to the buffet.一个侍者走了过来,候在附近。约翰领会了我的眼神,我们两个都站了起来,没有理睬那个侍者,朝自助餐台走去。I caught my neighbour's son writing graffiti on our wall, the little squirt.邻居的儿子在我们的墙上乱写乱画时被我逮个正着,这个小东西。She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。The Fawcett brothers were too wily to be caught, and the local residents could get no help from the law.福西特兄弟非常狡猾无法抓捕,当地居民得不到警察的帮助。Drug smugglers face the death penalty if they are caught.毒犯如果被捕会面临死刑。My mother walked in and caught us bonking.我母亲进来,正好撞见我们在干那事。He caught a chill that turned into a bad cold.他先是着了凉,随后又转成了重感冒。He was caught in a web of lies.他陷于重重谎言之中。He caught/drew heavy flak for his decision to oppose the new school.他反对那所新学校的决定受到猛烈抨击。She caught his face in her hands and told him to do his worst.她用双手抓住他的脸,告诉他有什么手段尽管使出来。The thieves were caught and sentenced to be stoned to death.小偷被抓住了,被判乱石砸死。Brand's keen ear caught the trace of an accent.布兰德敏锐的耳朵听出了口音。I caught a glimpse of a man streaking away into the shadows.我看到一名男子闪进了幽暗处。




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