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词汇 大规模
例句 Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour.这种农业的大规模发展受到气候和劳动力成本高的制约。Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.在艾滋病出现之前,很多医疗专家认为大规模的传染疾病已成为历史。Gradual change is preferable to sudden, large-scale change.渐变比突然的大规模变化更可取。They are turning to recycling in large numbers.他们开始转向大规模的回收利用。North America provides the most striking instance of European settlement on a grand scale.北美洲就是欧洲大规模移民最为突出的例证。State police have launched a massive operation to catch the murderer.州警方展开了大规模行动搜捕凶手。Freakish weather conditions have caused massive traffic jams in the area.反常天气造成该地区大规模交通堵塞。Many workers were cast adrift by massive layoffs.因为大规模裁员,许多工人变得无所依靠。The villagers were systematically plundered.村民们遭到大规模劫掠。Major wildfires have destroyed thousands of acres in Idaho.大规模的野火烧毁了爱达荷州几千英亩的土地。The war caused widespread death and destruction.这场战争导致了大规模的死亡和破坏。The company was now set for major expansion.公司现在正准备大规模扩张。This is just a prelude to a larger attack.这仅仅是更大规模攻击的前奏。The bombed city is now undergoing extensive reconstruction.这座曾遭到轰炸的城市现正在进行大规模的重建。He hinted at a bigger presence for the U.S. military in the Asian Pacific region where China is emerging as a superpower.他暗示美国军队将较大规模部署在亚太地区,在那里中国正渐渐成为超级大国。The army is about to launch a major offensive.陆军部队即将发动一次大规模进攻。The financial deficit of Greece is too huge. Nothing short of a large scale bailout can help Greece pass its present predicament.希腊的财政赤字太庞大了,需要大规模的纾困才能渡过难关。Pollution affects nature on a grand scale.污染给大自然造成了大规模的影响。Whose bright idea was it to start major road repairs right at the start of the holiday season?度假季节刚开始就开始大规模翻修马路,这聪明主意是谁想出来的?There was a great war between the countries, just as the elders had prophesied.正像长者们预言的,那些国家之间进行了一场大规模战争。Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.只有采取大规模直接行动,我们才会取得这样的改变。The government seemed to be presiding over large-scale unemployment.政府似乎正面临着大规模的失业状况。The government engaged in mass expulsions.政府大规模驱逐外国人。Mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life nowadays.如今,大规模失业似乎就是生活的现实。We want to promote literacy on a mass scale.我们要大规模地提高文化水平。Big tax cuts are often proposed to curry favour with voters.大规模减税的提出往往是为了讨好选民。A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一艘拖网渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。The re-introduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion.再次征兵引发了一次大规模的暴乱。It will take a lot of repair work before the building regains its former splendour.要想使这座建筑重拾昔日的风采,必须进行大规模整修。Europe needs large-scale immigration to sustain its ageing population.欧洲需要大规模的移民来缓解人口的老龄化。The population faces starvation this winter without large-scale emergency food aid.今年冬天由于没有大规模的紧急食品援助,人们将面临饥荒。These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers.这些团体现在正转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。This fall may be caused by large scale diseconomies.这次倒闭可能是由大规模的成本增加造成的。It is not surprising that the government was hesitant to introduce such major reforms.推行这么大规模的改革,政府举棋不定是不足为奇的。European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.欧洲农场主正策划一场抗议削减农场补贴的大规模示威游行。The company started a big new advertising campaign, and business really improved after that.这家公司开始了一场大规模的新广告宣传活动,从那以后,生意真的好起来了。Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire.舒尔特警告政府和业界领袖说,哪怕只是动动大规模裁员念头的人都是在玩火。The poor economy has caused wholesale layoffs in many industries.经济疲软已经造成许多行业大规模裁员。This suburb has been the accidental beneficiary of a large restoration programme.这个郊区是一项大规模重建计划的意外受益者。There was a mass breakout from a city center prison yesterday.昨天市中心的一座监狱里发生了大规模越狱行动。




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