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词汇 大肆
例句 This new game is getting plenty of hype.新游戏正被大肆炒作。Hall is angry at what he sees as a caricature of the training offered to modern-day social workers.在霍尔看来,当代社会工作者所受的培训被大肆夸大,他感到很气愤。They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.他们被推来搡去,受到大肆的谩骂攻击。Shoplifters are having a field day in the store.小偷们在店里抓住机会大肆偷窃。Tabloids always like to sensationalize sex scandals in politics.小报总喜欢大肆报道政界的性丑闻。Some parts of the media are creating hysteria and exaggerating an important issue.部分媒体制造混乱,大肆夸张某个重要的问题。Critics of the president have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.自从这一计划最开始提出,总统的批评者就一直在大肆贬低它。If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works, the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed.如果重要作品遭窃一事被大肆报道,这些作品就会因为难以转手而被销毁。He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner.他发表了一通长篇演说,对特纳进行大肆抨击。The tabloid press kicked up a stink about his visit.那家小报就他的访问大肆播弄是非。The President has lost no opportunity to capitalise on his new position.总统抓住一切机会,大肆利用自己的新职位。The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.政府大肆进行那套老式的宣传。Like most Hollywood movies it was so hyped up that when I saw it I was completely disappointed.和多数好莱坞影片一样,这部电影也被大肆炒作,所以我看后觉得彻底失望。Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。These products are being aggressively marketed to teenagers through television ads.这些产品正通过电视广告向青少年大肆推销。Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.关于塞尔维亚拘留营中严刑拷打和大肆处决的报道令全世界的宗教领袖义愤填膺。He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents.他以尖刻恶毒的语言大肆抨击自己的对手。Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.通货膨胀大肆泛滥,这意味着我们增长的工资很快就一钱不值了。Hungry mobs went on a looting spree in the city.饥饿的暴民在这座城市里大肆抢劫。Rumors of her engagement were rampant. = Rumors of her engagement ran rampant. 关于她订婚的谣言正在大肆流传。It was a triumphalist celebration of their supremacy.这是对他们霸主地位的大肆庆祝。Whales and dolphins are still being slaughtered for commercial gain.仍然有人为了商业利益大肆捕杀鲸鱼和海豚。Gossip columnists have had a field day speculating on the scandal.闲话栏作者在揣测这一丑闻事件时得到一个大肆嘲笑的机会。She had publicly ripped into him on a television chat show.她在电视访谈节目中公开大肆批评他。When I showed him my report card, Dad jumped all over me.当我给他看我的评语卡时,爸爸突然对我大肆批评。There was so much muckraking about his family life that he decided not to stand for election.众多媒体大肆搜集报道他的家庭生活,致使他决定不再参加竞选。Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue.报纸大肆报道了这一问题。The senator got his law passed by wheeling and dealing in Congress.那议员利用他在国会内的权势大肆活动,终使他的法案得以通过。Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.他尸骨未寒,还是那些人又大肆谴责起他来。The politicians were quick off the mark with loud talk about tax cuts and Social Security reform.政治家们迅速反应,开始大肆谈论减税和社会保障改革问题。The movie stars were married amid a blaze of publicity.这对电影明星的婚事受到大肆报道。They reckoned he was a hatchet man, out to shred the workforce and crush the union.他们估计他是上司派来的刽子手,专门对工人大开杀戒,大肆镇压工会。Commercial interests were cynically exploiting property owners' concerns.商业利益集团趁机大肆利用产权人担心的种种问题。If word of his involvement in this scandal ever leaks out, the newspapers are going to have a field day.他卷入这桩丑闻的消息一旦外泄,各种报纸就会大肆报道,乐此不疲。They would often be free with criticism, some of it unjustified.他们经常会大肆批评,而且其中有些并无道理。A lot of nitpicking was going on about irrelevant things.吹毛求疵地大肆批评毫不相干的事情。They market stridently with the intention to compete with us.他们在市场上大肆叫卖,想要和我们竞争。Against the woman's express wishes, the media publicized her story.与她明确表达的愿望相违,媒体对她的事大肆炒作。Jenny went directly to town for some serious shopping.珍妮直接去市中心大肆采购一番。Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.加利福尼亚的部分地区正遭受东方果蝇的大肆侵袭。




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