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词汇 大树
例句 A big tree fell across the ditch.一棵大树横贯沟渠倒下。A large tree obstructed the road.一棵大树挡住了道路。The huge trees offered shade from the sun.这些大树遮住了太阳,带来了阴凉。The ground is densely covered with large trees.这片场地大树茂密。A large tree fell down during a windstorm and damaged our car.刮风暴时,一棵大树倒下砸坏了我们的汽车。Within a few years, these saplings will grow into tall trees.不出几年,这些幼苗就会长成大树The crew is bulldozing the trees/forest/field.工作人员正在用推土机铲除大树/推倒树林/铲平场地。There is a great tree in front of our house.我们的屋前有棵大树Tall trees border the avenue.街道两边是大树I could see him swinging from the branch of a large tree.我看到他吊在一棵大树的树枝上摇荡。The foreground of the photograph shows a big tree.照片的前景是一株大树Several large trees shade the house.几棵大树给这房子遮阴。Windows were broken and large trees uprooted.窗被打碎,大树被连根拔起。The big tree is so imposing that it inspires awe.这棵大树雄伟得令人惊叹。This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground.这是我家住宅的照片,宅前是一株大树The tree threw happy shadows all about us.大树在我们周围投下凉爽宜人的阴影。The house has got a large tree next to it.房子旁边有棵大树A big tree had blown down in the storm.一棵大树在暴风雨中被吹倒。This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.这整个快要散架的搭建物吊挂在一棵枝繁叶茂的大树的枝杈上。He took up his stand in the shadow of the big tree.他站在大树的树荫下。Hundreds of mature trees were uprooted in the storm.数百棵大树在风暴中被连根拔起。Several large trees overhang the path.几棵大树掩映着这条小径。We came across a glade shadowed by large trees.我们偶然发现了一块被大树遮蔽的空地。He led the way to the shade of a large tree.他领路走到一棵大树的树荫下。His two-story brick home was graced with a patio and surrounded by tall, leafy trees.他那两层高的砖房有一个漂亮的露台,四周环拥绿叶成阴的大树The house has a large tree next to it. 房子旁边有棵大树The storm knocked down several big trees.暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树A breeze shook the tall trees that edged the garden.微风吹动了花园周边的大树A couple had a narrow escape when a tree fell just in front of their car.一对夫妇险些被一棵恰好倒在他们汽车前的大树砸死。All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.我看见四周的大树随风摇曳。The huge tree split when struck by lightning.这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。A line of tall trees restricted our visibility.一排大树挡住了我们的视线。Great trees soared above us.大树在我们头上巍然高耸。Huge trees had snapped like matchsticks in the hurricane-force winds.一棵棵大树在飓风风力的狂风之中犹如火柴棍似的摧折了。The great trees gave shelter from the wind.这些大树挡住了风。My car's over there by that big tree.我的汽车在那里,在那棵大树旁。The storm blew down several large trees.暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树Theirs is that little house with the big tree outside.他们的家是那栋屋外有棵大树的小屋。Others seek the Goddess's energies in the strength and grace of a tall tree.其他人从一棵大树的力与美中寻觅女神的力量。




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