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词汇 category
例句 A wide range of offences are usually subsumed under the category of robbery.很多犯罪行为通常都被归入抢劫罪的范畴。He competed in the youngest age category.他参加了最小年龄组的比赛。Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than by category.音像店应当按照简单的字母顺序而不是依类别来摆放唱片。There's a separate category for children.儿童单独有一个类别。To treat atheism as a belief system alongside varieties of religious belief is simply a category mistake.把无神论视为一种信仰,等同于各种宗教,是一种范畴错误。It is a category mistake to talk about a research programme as being falsified, because only theories can be falsified - research programmes can at most be discredited.如果认为研究项目可以被证明是虚假的,这就犯了一种范畴错误,因为只有理论可能是虚假的,研究项目只能被推翻其可信度。Designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion.品牌婚纱使婚礼时装脱离主流时装,成为单独的一类。Everything over thirty years old is lumped into one big category: ancient history.所有三十年以前的事物都被归入一大类:古代史。This book falls into the category of reference books.这本书属参考书类。The individualists constitute the largest category of great artists.大艺术家中以特立独行者居多。Your many years of service put you in a special category.执业多年使你与众不同。Young male drivers are a higher risk category compared to mature ladies and even women of the same age.较之于成熟女性甚至同龄女性,年轻男性司机风险更高。We have created a special category for part-time workers.我们把兼职者归入特设的类别。Emma Thompson won an Oscar in the Best Actress category.埃玛·汤普森赢得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。Williams' style does not fit easily into the category of jazz.威廉斯的风格不能轻易地归入爵士乐的范畴。Most of his ratings were in the highest category.对他的评价大多为最高类别。Intravenous drug users are in a high-risk category for hepatitis C.静脉注射毒品的人是患丙型肝炎的高危人群。The cars belong to the same category.这些汽车属于同一类型。Each category has several subdivisions.每一个种类又有几个分支。Eastlake Studio received top honours in the interior design category.东湖工作室获得了室内设计类的最高荣誉。The strings are a category of musical instruments.弦乐器是乐器的一种。This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography.这本书很显然属于自传体小说。The books were shelved according to category.图书分类摆在架子上。They're so different, you can't even put them in the same category.它们的区别很大,甚至很难把它们列入到同一个范畴。The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.法官不能确定它属于哪个类别。She competed for the award in her age category.她争夺她这个年龄组的奖项。There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the latter category.有些人开口之前会三思,而有些人想到什么就说什么。迈克绝对属于后者。The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。These workers belong in a different category.这些工人工种不同。Many illnesses fall into the category of stress-related illnesses.许多病都属于与压力有关的疾病。Mysteries belong to the vast category of escape fiction.疑案故事属于消遣小说这个大范畴。Flutes form a separate category of wind instruments.长笛是管乐器中独立的一个类别。




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