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词汇 大教堂
例句 The wedding was held at Lincoln Cathedral.婚礼是在林肯大教堂举行的。The cathedral has classic proportions.大教堂的比例堪称经典。The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city.大教堂的金色穹顶高耸于城市上空。Tourists felt cheated when they arrived and found out the cathedral was closed.游客们到达后发现大教堂已经关闭,感觉上当受骗了。The cathedral was completed forty years later.这座大教堂四十年后建成。Admission to the cathedral is via the west door only.只能通过西门进入大教堂The cathedral was one of the few buildings not destroyed in the war.这座大教堂是战时少数没有遭毁坏的建筑物之一。The cathedral is a fantastic modern construction.这座大教堂是一座了不起的现代建筑。The girls were awed by the splendour of the cathedral.女孩们对大教堂的宏伟气象大为惊叹。As Wren's epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument.众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。St Jude's church is a public place of worship.圣犹大教堂是做礼拜的公共场所。After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.游览完老城区之后,会由导游带队参观大教堂The architect's remains are interred in St Paul's cathedral.那位建筑师的遗体被埋在圣保罗大教堂里。The town's crowning glory is its old cathedral. 古老的大教堂是这座城市至高无上的骄傲。You can't help but be humbled when you enter this cathedral.进入这座大教堂,你会禁不住感到自己很渺小。I think we ought to do St Paul's while we're in London.我想我们到了伦敦应该去圣保罗大教堂看看。St Paul's Cathedral was designed by the famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren.圣保罗大教堂是由著名建筑师克里斯托弗·雷恩爵士设计的。They built a huge office block right next to the old cathedral - what an eyesore!他们就在古老大教堂的旁边建了一栋巨大的办公大楼,真是碍眼!Commemorative services have been held at Winchester Cathedral.纪念仪式在温切斯特大教堂举行。She was inspired to write the poem by a visit to the cathedral.大教堂的一次造访使她产生灵感创作了这首诗。The great cathedral towers over the rest of the main square.大教堂比主广场上的其他建筑物高出许多。Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特大教堂The cathedral nestles in the lee of a hill beneath the town.大教堂坐落在市镇下面一座小山的背风处。They gazed up at the vault of the cathedral.他们抬头凝视着这座大教堂的拱顶。We went to Holy Communion in the cathedral.我们去参加大教堂的圣餐仪式。The cathedral suddenly popped into view. 那座大教堂突然出现在眼前。The cathedral reverberated with songs of praise.大教堂里回荡着唱颂赞美诗的声音。The design of the church echoes that of St. Paul's Cathedral.这座教堂的设计模仿了圣保罗大教堂Let's go and see the cathedral.我们去看大教堂吧。Pollution has decayed the surface of the stonework on the front of the cathedral.大教堂前部的石刻表面已经因为污染受到了侵蚀。A cathedral is an impressive building.大教堂是能给人留下深刻印象的建筑物。Although the cathedral and the castle are both noticeable, the cathedral dominates.虽然大教堂和城堡都令人瞩目,但大教堂尤胜一筹。Grand it may be, but this cathedral is no rival to the great cathedral of Amiens.这个教堂虽然很雄伟,却绝对不能和亚眠大教堂相匹敌。Rouen cathedral was immortalized by Monet in his paintings.鲁昂大教堂在莫奈的绘画作品中名垂千古。Our guide took us around the cathedral.我们的导游带我们参观了大教堂Thomas could just see the tops of the cathedral's twin towers.托马斯只能看到大教堂双塔的塔尖。The family goes to the minster every Sunday.这家人每个礼拜天去那个大教堂We went to mass in the cathedral.我们去大教堂做弥撒。She will find the cathedral dripping with atmosphere.她会发现大教堂里氛围很浓。I was admiring the cathedral's stained-glass windows.我正在欣赏大教堂里的彩色玻璃窗。




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