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词汇 catch up with
例句 The country's infrastructure must catch up with its economic growth.国家的基础结构一定要赶上它的经济发展。Slow down so that I can catch up with you.放慢点,好让我能赶上你。He stopped and let her catch up with him.他停下来,好让她追上自己。She made a dart of surprising agility to catch up with the porter.她突然异常敏捷地飞奔起来以赶上这位搬运工。All those late nights are really starting to catch up with me!这些天熬夜工作,现在真要影响我的身体了。Bill slowed his pace to allow her to catch up with him.比尔放慢脚步让她赶上来。It took six years for the law to catch up with them.花了六年时间才终于将他们绳之以法。The man strained every nerve to catch up with me.那男人拼命想赶上我。We need to go all out and catch up with them.我们要鼓足干劲赶上他们。Smoking will catch up with you.吸烟迟早会使你受害不浅。 Old age catches up with everyone in the end.每个人最终都会变老。We need time to catch up with outstanding orders.我们需要时间来完成逾期的订单。Staff are working overtime to catch up with a backlog of orders.员工在加班加点处理积压的订单。Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later.继续往前走,我稍后赶上来。There's still time to catch up with them.还有时间赶上他们。It'll give them a chance to talk and catch up with all their news.这会给他们一个聊天的机会,交流各自的消息。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。I couldn't run fast enough to catch up with her.我跑得不够快,赶不上她。Billy is always fooling in class but the teacher will catch up with him someday.比利老是在班上胡闹,可是总有一天要受到老师处罚的。She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.她白天忙着处理行政工作。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚。Most late developers will catch up with their friends.大多数身材发育迟缓者都会赶上他们的朋友。Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样,她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。With his advanced views he had to wait a long time for the mainstream to catch up with him.由于观点超前,在主流观点跟上来之前,他不得不等待很长时间。The police will catch up with you sooner or later.警察迟早会把你捉拿归案的。Smoking will catch up with you sooner or later.吸烟迟早会使你受害不浅。I've got to go. I'll catch up with you later.我得走了。我们稍后见。Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it.加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。Let's hurry and catch up with the group ahead.我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学。His lies will catch up with him one day.他总有一天会尝到撒谎的苦头。He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学。I slowed up and let the others catch up with me.我放慢了速度,好让其他人跟上。In order to catch up with its competitors in the industry, the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.为了赶上行业竞争者,公司需要开始采用更加先进的技术。Our fastest ship can catch up with the chase in two hours.我们最快的舰艇能在两小时内赶上被追逐的船。They live on inadequate pensions, trying vainly to catch up with the soaring cost of living.他们靠为数不足的养老金生活,无力应付飞涨的生活费用。




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