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例句 It was thought that this would act as an incentive for couples to adopt older children.人们认为这将会对夫妇们收养大一些的孩子起到鼓励作用。She intended to make a big splash with her wedding.她打算把婚礼的声势搞得大一些When you're older I think you're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens.你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。He was worsted in a fight with a bigger boy.他跟个子大一些的一个男孩打了一架,结果输得狼狈不堪。The bigger kids keep tormenting him.那些大一些的孩子一直在作弄他。Would you mind turning the heat up?你把取暖器调大一些好吗?He'd craved the attention of the older kids.他渴望得到大一些的孩子的注意。He was unable to keep with the older boys.他同年岁大一些的男孩合不来。Don't you think that book is too old for you?你不觉得这本书是给年龄大一些的人看的,对你来说不合适吗?We are moving to larger premises next month.我们下个月就要搬到大一些的场所。The bigger man grabbed him by the throat.那个块头大一些的男子一把掐住了他的脖子。Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the background.前景中的物体画得比背景中的物体大一些A bigger budget will allow more scope for innovation.预算再多一些,创新的空间就大一些The committee adjourned to a larger hall.该委员会将会议移至大一些的会议厅举行。Older students were having difficulty in studying and organizing themselves.年龄大一些的学生在学习上有困难,很难高效率地学习。You'll have to wait until you're older.必须等你再大一些再说。She divided the younger children from the older ones.她把年幼些的孩子与大一些的分开。The children give her hell, particularly the older boys.这些孩子让她吃足苦头,特别是那些年龄大一些的男孩子。Having children when you're older has both advantages and disadvantages.年龄大一些时再要孩子有利也有弊。




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