例句 |
There's plenty of time to have a baby. I'm not past my sell-by date yet.生孩子的时间还多着呢。我还没到不能生育的年龄。Have another piece of cake – there's lots more in the kitchen.再吃一块蛋糕吧,厨房里还多着呢。Stop doing yourself down: you've got a lot to offer!别再妄自菲薄了,你的长处多着呢!It's early you're talking about old age. You've tucks of time.你谈老年还早,你的日子还多着呢。Look here, sonny, you've got a lot to learn!看着,小伙子,你要学的东西多着呢!Our work isn't done yet, not by a long chalk. 我们的工作尚未完成,要做的事还多着呢。Be careful when you drive. There are a lot of crazy drivers out there.你开车小心点,疯狂的司机多着呢。 |