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词汇 外衣
例句 Give your coat to the lady over there.把你的外衣交给那边的那位女士。The medal clipped on to the coat lapel.奖章别在外衣翻领上。He appeared, garbed in a russet gown and black sheepskin.他出现了,身穿一件赤褐色长袍和黑色羊皮外衣These hills look furry with trees.这几座山上绿树满坡,像是披了件皮毛外衣Sammy took off his coat and proceeded to undo his boots.萨米脱掉了外衣,接着又解开靴子。She rolled in a coat to put out the flames.她裹上一件外衣以扑灭身上的火焰。He removed his jacket.他把外衣脱了。He was habited in a black frock and dark trousers.他身穿黑色外衣和深色裤子。It was raining, the bus was late, and to crown it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车又脱班,更糟的是他没穿外衣This jacket will keep you cosy.这件外衣会把你裹得严实暖和。A good cloth coat is more utilitarian than a fur one.一件优质的布外衣要比一件毛皮外衣更有用。Moths ate holes in my wool coat.蠹虫把我的羊毛外衣蛀了几个洞。I'm sure it was her although, admittedly, she was wearing a different coat.我能肯定是她,尽管不可否认的是,她穿了件不同的外衣Don't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's.外衣送洗衣店前别忘了把口袋里的东西抖出来。The coat was buttoned up wrong.外衣纽扣扣错了。It was hot in the waiting-room, so I unfastened my coat.等候室里很热,因此我就解开了外衣The cloak of secrecy was pulled aside by him.神秘的外衣被他撩开了。That coat fits you so well - the hang is perfect.你穿这件外衣太合适了——非常有型。The coat was renewed in places.这件外衣有几处补过了。A cold wind, knifing through downtown streets, penetrated the thin coat she had on.寒风刮过市区街道,穿透她身上单薄的外衣He yanked up his coat to display a wound on his belly.他把外衣向上一拉,露出了腹上的伤疤。An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.一个年老的乞丐睡在滑铁卢大桥下面,他把外衣包得紧紧的,以抵御寒冷。I want a plain black cardigan with no fancy trimmings.我要一件素净的黑色套头外衣,没有花哨镶边的。She felt the brush of his coat as he hurried by.他匆匆走过时她感到他的外衣擦着了她。He wore a black coat lined with dark grey silk.他穿了一件有深灰色绸子衬里的黑色外衣They barely gave me time to get my coat off.他们几乎不给我脱外衣的时间。This coat will have to see the winter out.这件外衣得穿到冬天过去。Ella brushed the crumbs off her jacket.埃拉掸去她外衣上的面包屑。This coat doesn't fit; there are puckers in the shoulders.这件外衣不合适,肩部很皱。He covered her bare arms with his coat.他把自己的外衣盖在她裸露的手臂上。I don't like the make of this coat.我不喜欢这件外衣的式样。The defendant wore a blue blazer, a white shirt, and gray pants with a sharp crease.被告穿一件蓝外衣、一件白衬衫和一条褶痕很挺的灰裤子。He identified the coat as his brother's.他认出那件外衣是他兄弟的。His mother-in-law, a fishwife in fun fur, is on the warpath.他的岳母,一个身穿廉价皮毛外衣的粗野女人,正在撒泼。I wadded up the papers and had them in my coat pocket.我把文件卷好后放在外衣的口袋里。I can't find my coat - I must have left it at work.我找不到我的外衣,肯定是下班时忘记带走了。She had on a blue coat snugged in with a belt at the waist.他穿一件蓝色外衣,腰间用一条带子束紧。Be sure to button up your coat before you go outside.出门前一定要扣好外衣扣子。He wore a coat that reached to his knees.他穿了件长及膝盖的外衣I opened my coat and let him see the belt.我解开外衣,让他看那条皮带。




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