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词汇 外科手术
例句 Ligatures are used in surgery to stop the flow of a bleeding artery.外科手术中结扎线用于防止动脉血管出血。The new medical treatment obviates the need for surgery.这种新疗法意味着不必再做外科手术Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose-vein operations.采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.我天真地以为外科手术就是缝几针,然后在医院里住上一宿。Once the damage is done, even modern surgery can't undo it entirely.伤害一旦造成,即使是现代外科手术也无法将其完全消除。In this case surgery is indicated.这一病例须施行外科手术Exploratory surgery revealed her liver cancer.探查性的外科手术查出她患了肝癌。You need to have a very strong stomach to watch some of the surgery scenes.要观看某些外科手术场面,你需要有极强的忍耐力。His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。Changes in the patient's condition may make surgery inadvisable.病人状况的变化可能使其不宜做外科手术We built ourselves a new surgery.我们给自己建了一间新的外科手术室。Any surgical procedure has its risks.任何外科手术都有风险。The primitive surgery of those days left him virtually deaf in one ear.那时候简陋的外科手术让他一只耳朵几乎失聪。The doctor has recommended surgery.医生建议进行外科手术He pioneered the surgical technique called frontal lobotomy.他首创了被称为额叶切断术的外科手术Some people can have their vision restored by a surgical operation.有些人可以透过外科手术恢复视力。This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths.这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。Traditional surgical approaches to spinal pain involve open dissection of soft tissue and bone.针对脊柱疼痛的传统外科手术法是要切开软组织和骨头。Surgery often demands actual physical strength, as well as the possession of a strong stomach.外科手术常常要求有真正的体力和很强的承受恶心反胃的能力。A shortage of nurses led to the cancellation of surgery for some patients.护士人手不足导致一些病人的外科手术被取消。He supervised a surgical operation.他指导了一个外科手术More and more women are choosing to go under the knife to improve their appearance.越来越多的女性选择接受外科手术来改善容貌。Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.研究人员意识到,可调谐激光束也许可以用在外科手术中。The new figures cast doubt on the government's claim to have achieved a surgical strike against military targets.新的数字使人们对政府所声称的已经对军事目标实行了外科手术式打击产生了怀疑。The surgeon was able to graft skin over the scar.外科手术能够通过移植皮肤来修复伤疤。The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with surgery.新疗法避免了很多与外科手术有关的风险。He underwent the surgical intervention on blood vessels of his left leg.他左腿的血管动过外科手术Surgery is always done in aseptic conditions.外科手术总是在无菌条件下进行的。Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed.在非常严重的情况下,拇趾囊肿可能需要通过外科手术切除掉。Mother wondered if she could last out another operation.母亲不知道自己能否再经受一次外科手术Currently, surgery and radiation are the only standard treatment options for chordoma.目前外科手术和放射治疗是治疗脊索瘤的标准方法。I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre.我已经做好了接受外科手术的准备,于是就直接进入了手术室。Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术的技术不断得到完善。The pioneering surgery was carried out at Queen Margaret hospital.这例开创性外科手术是在玛格丽特女王医院完成的。We should stop the blowout in surgery costs.我们要叫停外科手术费的蹿升。The doctor will administer the anesthesia before the surgery begins.外科手术前医生将给病人实施麻醉。He's a specialist in brain surgery.他是脑外科手术的专家。In some cultures surgery is proscribed.在一些文化里,外科手术是被禁止的。Mr. Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.克拉克先生接受了五个小时的急救外科手术




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