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词汇 外界
例句 The nuclear plant would be effectively sealed off from the world.该核电厂将与外界完全隔离开。He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world.他闭上眼睛努力不受外界的影响。He just wanted to shut himself away from the rest of the world.他只是想把自己与外界隔绝。The wider world learned of his illness months after he told his family.他把病情告诉家人数月之后外界才知道。The museum still has too little connection with the world outside its walls.这家博物馆与外界的接触仍然极少。The floods completely cut off the town.洪水把该镇与外界完全隔绝了。You cannot remain forever cocooned from the outside world.你不能永远生活在与外界隔绝的状态中。This does not encourage the child to analyse the environment in a formal way.这并不能促使孩子以逻辑推理的方式分析外界环境。His hearing remained good, so that his contact with the world was uninterrupted.他的听力依然很好,因此与外界的联系没有中断。The country had little contact with the outside world, and remained caught in something of a time-warp.这个国家很少与外界接触,仍然停留在过去的某个时代。The religious community wished to be independent of outside influence.宗教界希望能不受外界的影响。Iran remains an enigma for the outside world.对于外界而言,伊朗仍是个谜。The Hungarian colony in New York is a picturesque racial island.纽约的匈牙利侨民是个与外界隔绝的独特的种族社区。Children of very rich parents can grow up isolated from the rest of society.父母非常有钱的孩子在成长过程中可能与外界隔绝。The company wants to avoid tipping its hand about its decision until next month.公司想要到下个月才向外界透露决定。The town was isolated by the floods.由于洪水,这个镇与外界隔绝。Thailand's prime minister announced his resignation today, but he is widely expected to be reinstated within a few days.泰国总理今天宣布辞职,但外界广泛猜测他会在几天之内复职。Without help, many elderly people would be left isolated.在没有帮助的情况下,很多老人都会与外界隔绝。I submit that the jury has been influenced by the publicity in this case.我认为,在本案的审理过程中,陪审团受到了外界宣传的影响。She wanted to protect her children from the evils of the outside world.她想保护她的孩子不受外界坏事的影响。The woman who is brave enough to pursue her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride.勇于走自己道路的女人就必须准备好面对外界的非难。Whilst on the island, a small radio was the only link they had with the outside world.在岛上的时侯,一台小收音机是他们与外界唯一的纽带。The radio was their lifeline to the outside world.那台收音机是他们与外界连接的生命线。We are using a lot of outside agencies to help us do product placement.我们正通过很多外界的经销商帮助我们进行产品布局。For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.对很多人来说,邮局是与外界联系的唯一纽带。I locked myself away with books and magazines.我自行与外界隔绝,仅与书籍和杂志为伴。A person who stays home and has no outside life can't help being narrow-minded.一个人成天呆在家里,不接触外界生活,难免思想偏狭。The village was cut off by floods.那个村子因洪水与外界中断了联系。Links with the outside community withered.外界的联系消失了。The town is cut off from contact with the outside world.小镇被切断了与外界的联系。The inmates have little contact with the outside world.囚犯们与外界几乎没有联系。A radio was his only link to the outside world.一台收音机是他与外界联系的唯一途径。Throughout his time in prison he had no contact with the outside world.在监狱期间,他与外界失去了联系。The jury was sequestered until a verdict was reached.陪审团在做出裁决之前是与外界隔离的。There was no influence from outside.没有外界的影响。She became depressed and withdrew from the world.她变得心灰意冷,把自己与外界隔绝开来。They did it in response to external pressures.他们这么做是迫于外界的压力。He is still in jail, incommunicado.他仍然在狱中,不能与外界接触。The animal does have a program of reaction to stimuli arising in its external and internal worlds.动物确有一种对来自外界及本身的刺激的反应程序。At the time, the country prevented citizens from having any relations with the outside world.那时候,国家不允许人民和外界有任何联系。




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