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Cecil Burns was the spoilt child of that household.塞西尔‧伯恩斯是那个家庭中被宠坏了的孩子。Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets.塞西尔此时开始慌张起来,连忙发射了两枚遇险信号火箭。Cecil was ambling along as usual without a care in the world.塞西尔像平常一样无牵无挂地漫步。Cecil wasn't there, having rung in to say he was taking the day off.塞西尔不在单位,他已经打电话请假了。The two soldiers saluted Lieutenant Cecil.那两名士兵向塞西尔中尉行了礼。Cecil inherited a family property near Stamford.塞西尔继承了斯坦福德附近的一处家族房产。 |