例句 |
Free speech is an essential right of citizenship.言论自由是公民的一项基本权利。All men qua men have certain essential rights.所有的人都有某些做人的基本权利。The right to work is a base right.工作的权利是一种基本权利。The country's government systematically denies its citizens basic rights to free expression.这个国家的政府完全剥夺了其公民言论自由的基本权利。The right to vote is a base civil right.选举权是公民的一项基本权利。Free speech is a basic right in a democratic society.言论自由是民主社会的一项基本权利。The Constitution ensures our fundamental rights.宪法保障我们的基本权利。Freedom of information should be a basic right in a democracy.信息自由理应是民主政体的一项基本权利。 |