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词汇 a fall
例句 She took a fall from a horse.她从马上摔了下来。Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up.汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。Analysts are expecting a fall on Wall Street.分析家们预计华尔街的股票价格会下跌。There's been a fall in the number of young people entering the labour market.进入劳动力市场的年轻人数量有所下降。They're feeling pretty confident now, but if you ask me, they're riding for a fall.他们现在感觉蛮有信心,但要让我说,他们是在走向失败。Property analysts forecast a fall in house prices.房地产分析人士预测房价会下跌。Her mother has been incapacitated by a fall.她母亲摔了一跤后,失去了正常生活能力。She went into labour after a fall.她摔了一跤就分娩了。The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle.头盔设计的承受力相当于从自行车上摔下的冲击力。She broke her neck in a fall from a horse.她从马上摔下,扭断了脖子。The drought caused a fall in this year's corn crop. 干旱导致今年的玉米产量有所下降。He could have been lying injured on the moors after a fall from his horse.他可能是从马上摔下来后受了伤一直躺在沼泽里。The malformation of his knee was caused by a fall.他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。Browne claims that the company was simply looking for a fall guy.布朗称公司只是在找个替死鬼。The police arrested a fall guy. The real crooks are still free.警察逮到一个替死鬼。真正的歹徒仍逍遥法外。The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任。She shattered her leg in a fall.她跌倒时摔断了腿。The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.金融界对英镑下跌的消息迅速作出反应。A big price increase led to a fall in sales.大幅涨价使销量下滑。We are expecting a fall in stock prices.我们预料股市价格将要下跌。She was taken to hospital after a fall.她跌倒后被送往医院。He's too old to come through a fall like that.他年纪太大,经不起那么摔一跤。Both companies reported a fall in profits in the first quarter of this year.两家公司都报告说今年第一季度利润有所下降。Observers are predicting a fall in interest rates.观察员预测利率会下降。He dislocated his arm in a fall.他跌跤时胳膊脱了臼。There has been a fall in the rate of inflation.通货膨胀速度有所下降。My neighbour has had a fall and broken a rib.我的邻居摔了一跤,断了一根肋骨。Statistics show a fall in both violent and non-violent crime.统计数字表明暴力和非暴力犯罪均已经下降。She spends far more than she earns and she's riding for a fall.她入不敷出,早晚会有麻烦。He broke his back in a fall.他摔了一跤,摔断了脊椎。He was knocked unconscious by a fall.他摔了一跤,晕了过去。There was a fall in unemployment in the second quarter of the year.今年第二季度的失业率有所下降。He was hurt in a fall at his home yesterday.昨天他在家摔了一跤,受伤了。The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火车下面而幸免于难的可能性几乎为零。There had been a fall of rocks on the road.路上有岩石坠落。The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure.该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。There is no sign of a fall in house prices.房价没有下降的迹象。I have witnessed a fall in moral standards.我亲眼目睹了道德水准的下滑。




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