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词汇 培训
例句 The rules also require employers to provide safety training.这些规定还要求雇主提供安全培训Paramedics are trained to administer certain drugs.护理人员们接受了配发某些药物的培训The questions of training and pay lie at the heart of the staffing problems.培训和薪资问题是雇用员工的核心问题。Our findings point to a lack of training among social services staff.我们的调查结果表明社会服务人员缺乏培训They are highly trained professionals.他们是受过高级培训的专业人才。The company has not kept faith with its promise to invest in training.公司没有信守在培训上投入资金的承诺。Our bookkeeping training packet includes everything you need to get started.我们的记账培训套件包括了入门需要的所有东西。Her main gripe is that she's not being trained properly.她主要是抱怨自己没有受到很好的培训She's training to be a paramedic.她正在接受护理人员培训Pupils would be offered on-the-job training leading to the certification of their skill in a particular field.学生将得到在岗培训的机会,从而获得某一行业的技能合格证书。The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.陪审团裁定航空公司在对全体机组人员的培训和管理问题上存在疏漏。Cross-training is a vital part of job rotation.交流培训是工作轮换必不可少的环节。A lot of employers don't train their staff properly.许多雇主没有好好地培训雇员。To move up, you'll need the right training.你想升职就需要接受适当的培训The report condemns America's scattershot approach to training workers.该报告谴责美国对工人的培训毫无针对性。Training is a prerequisite for competence.培训是获得才能的一个先决条件。Each centre would provide information on technology and training.每个中心都会提供技术与培训方面的信息。The actual training needs to dovetail these two goals.实际培训中要将这两个目标统一起来。All the staff are trained to handle difficult customers.所有的工作人员都接受了应付难缠顾客的培训He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.他已被俄国人招募为间谍并在莫斯科接受了培训Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.很多人缺少从事这些工作需要的教育和培训Most legal translation is done by lawyers with foreign language training.大部分的法律翻译都是由受过外语培训的律师完成的。They were nearing the end of their training.他们的培训快结束了。They are not always willing to take on untrained workers, but there's no harm in asking.他们并不总是乐意雇用未经培训的工人,但问问也无妨。All staff will be trained in customer service skills.所有员工都将接受客户服务技能的培训It may be advantageous for new workers to receive prior training.新工人接受先期培训可能是有益的。A trained teacher, he found work as a sub which fit around his other commitments.他是一名受过培训的教师,他觉得做代课老师这样的工作便于他做其他事情。Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm.各公司往往偏爱那些在伦敦金融城的大律师事务所受过培训的律师。We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.我们向你提供这个行业各方面的综合培训A local club is giving a fishing clinic on Saturday.当地一家俱乐部将在周六举办一次垂钓培训The manager carpeted him for missing training.经理因为他错过培训而训斥了他。They are often recruited directly from university to be groomed for management positions.他们经常是直接从大学里招聘来接受管理岗位的培训The management had to address specific weaknesses in training.管理层不得不解决培训中存在的具体漏洞。He was expecting to have completed his training by now. As it is, he's only halfway through it.他本指望现在完成培训。实际情况是他只完成了一半。A lot of the training is orientated around communications skills.培训大部分是围绕沟通技巧进行的。She's hoping to retrain as a teacher.她希望接受再培训当老师。The organization retrains people who have lost their jobs.这个机构对失业人员进行再培训The programme retrains unemployed people.这个计划让失业的人接受再培训He is responsible for recruiting and training new staff.他负责招募和培训新员工。The company treats training as a continuous part of career development.这家公司把培训看作是事业持续发展的一个部分。




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