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词汇 埃文
例句 Ewan returned from London sometime last Tuesday afternoon.埃文是上个星期二下午的某个时候从伦敦返回的。Just then, she heard Mr Evan's bellow of rage.就在那时,她听到埃文先生的一声怒吼。It was always nice to get a hug from Evan.得到埃文的拥抱总是件高兴的事。Evan dived off the rock into the sea.埃文从岩石上跳入大海。Evan got out of the pool and dried himself off.埃文从水池里出来并擦干了身体。There's never been a jet engine to outclass the Rolls Royce Avon.还没有一种喷气发动机能与劳斯莱斯埃文发动机相媲美。Evan reached into the pocket of his mud-encrusted jacket and drew out a map.埃文将手伸进沾满泥的外套的口袋里,拿出一张地图。




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