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词汇 坏话
例句 I never heard her say an unkind word about anyone.我从未听她说过谁的坏话She kept saying horrible things about my mother.她不停地说我母亲的坏话It's wrong to speak ill of the dead.说死者的坏话是不对的。We can't find anyone with a bad word to say about her.我们找不到一个说她坏话的人。Her former colleagues accused her of bad-mouthing them in public.她以前的同事指责她在公开场合说他们的坏话He's always slagging her off behind her back.他老是在背后说她的坏话A lot of backbiting goes on in our office.我们办公室里经常有人背后说人坏话She was hurt by her former friend's backstabbing.昔日的朋友背地里说她坏话,她很伤心。I hope you don't think I'm casting aspersions, but you've invited some undesirable people along tonight.可不要以为我是在说别人坏话,不过我确实觉得你今晚请了一些不受欢迎的人来。You shouldn't have cast reflections on me.你原不应说我的坏话No one has an unkind word to say about him.所有人说起他来都没有一句坏话You won't catch me giving him a bad review!.我绝不会说他坏话的。The children were sure that someone had sneaked on them to the teacher.孩子们肯定有人向老师讲了他们的坏话She made some nasty remarks about me.她说了些有关我的坏话He bad-mouthed me to everybody else.他见人便说我坏话She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.她从不乘人不在时说别人的坏话I don't like to talk against a competitor.我不愿说竞争对手的坏话The student often does down his fellow students.那学生常说同学的坏话Don't speak ill of others behind them.不要在背后说别人的坏话Why are you always so unkind about Christina?你为什么老是说克里斯蒂娜的坏话He was a vicious gossip.他总是喜欢说别人的坏话It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.在背后讲人坏话是卑鄙的。I realize one shouldn't speak ill of the dead.我认识到不应该说死人的坏话She refuses to bad-mouth her colleagues.她拒绝讲她同事的坏话We had a good bitch about Steve while he was out.史蒂夫不在的时候我们说了他一通坏话She was constantly throwing off on the neighbours.她老是讲邻居坏话I wish you'd stop prattling scandal about your neighbours!我希望你不要再随便乱讲你邻居的坏话!He seems to have written his memoirs mainly so that he can dish the dirt on all his former lovers.他写回忆录似乎多半是为了说他那些旧情人的坏话I hesitated, not wanting to tell tales about my colleague.我犹豫了,不想说同事的坏话He never has a bad word to say about anyone.他从来不说任何人的坏话He's completely infatuated with the woman and won't hear a word said against her.他被这个女人迷得神魂颠倒,听不进一句她的坏话You shouldn't have cast reflections on my husband.你不应该说我丈夫的坏话It's hard to knock Gordon because he always works so hard.说戈登的坏话很难,因为他工作一直很卖力。Just don't diss my little brother, OK?别说我弟弟的坏话,好不好?He spoke badly of his boss.他说他老板的坏话He never speaks ill of his friends.他从不讲朋友的坏话Who's been saying things about me?是谁一直在说我的坏话It misbecomes you to speak ill of your parents.说自己父母的坏话与你的身份不相称。It seemed she found it difficult to speak ill of anyone.她似乎觉得说别人的坏话很难。Jan won't hear a word against him.简不会听到有关他的坏话




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