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词汇 地方政府
例句 Local authorities are unlikely to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.地方政府不太可能向非官方的武术组织出租设备。This project is intended to complement, not replace, local authority programmes.该工程是为了补充而不是替换地方政府的计划。The local government and the army negotiated a truce.地方政府和部队经过谈判达成休战协定。State and local governments rely heavily on sales and property taxes.州政府和地方政府非常依赖销售税和财产税。The idea is to give local authorities full control of their own budgets.这个构想是要让地方政府全权控制自己的预算。She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route.她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。There needs to be greater coordination between federal, state, and local governments.在联邦、州和地方政府之间需要有更好的配合。Central government is trying to stop local authorities overspending.中央政府试图阻止地方政府花费超支。The officers have preempted the powers of the local government.军官们已夺取了地方政府的权力。The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government.德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions.政府似乎一心想让地方政府和中央政府背道而驰。Council tenants were decanted while their flats were refurbished.公寓重装期间,对地方政府所建住房的租户们进行了转移安置。The committee brushed aside concerns about racism and prejudice in local government.人们对地方政府中存在种族主义和歧视现象表示担忧,委员会却不予理会。More freedom and choice will be given to parents, and the school opt-outs will be stepped up.家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。It's a typical local authority with cumbersome committee procedures.这是典型的有着各种繁杂委员会程序的地方政府Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.地方政府必须学会高效地分配资源。The new law gives local governments a significant measure of control over their own finances.新法规给了地方政府相当大程度的财政自主权。The local government says it has taken much of the public's criticism on board and it promises to make changes.地方政府称,他们非常重视公众的批评,并保证进行改革。He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.他利用自己管辖范围广泛的行政权力废止地方政府所作的决定。Developers have been frustrated by restrictive zoning imposed by state and local governments.由于州及地方政府施行限制性分区政策,房地产开发商们都焦头烂额。Planning procedures gained a footing in local government.规划程序获得了地方政府认可。State and local governments can, if their laws allow, redraw state and municipal political districts.如果法律准许,州政府和地方政府可以重新划分州和市的政治区划。This legislation will give more power back to local authorities.这个立法将交还给地方政府更大的权力。The money is there for local government to spend on public services.那些钱是供地方政府投入公共服务建设的。The party quickly rose in popularity, sweeping municipal elections the following year.该党的支持率迅速上升,轻松赢得了第二年的地方政府选举。The core activities of local authorities were reorganized.地方政府的主要活动被重新安排。This bill will give more power to local authorities.这项议案将给予地方政府更大的权力。Plans to reform local government are designed to neuter local democracy.改革地方政府的计划旨在压制地方民主。I've worked in the public sector all my life, mainly in local government.我在公共部门工作了一辈子,主要是在地方政府The local magistrates hope that the central government can devolve the taxation rights to the local cities and municipalities.地方的县市首长希望中央能将税收的权利转移到地方政府手上。The core activities of local authorities were reorganised.地方政府的主要事务进行了调整。Her political career followed the usual route of local and then national government.她的政治生涯按照常规途径,先是地方政府,再到中央政府。The question of local government finance has been the subject of debate for some years.地方政府的财政问题已经争论了好些年。Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year.地方政府等不到财年结束就会把钱花得一干二净。The local government dispatched police and thugs to clear her family out, before leveling the property.地方政府派警察和暴徒把她一家人赶走,然后推平了她的房子。The tax will be collected nationally and the money raised will be redistributed to local authorities.税款将由国家统一征收,所征得的钱将重新分配给地方政府The mechanism of local government is far from perfect.地方政府的结构还很不完善。Local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer.地方政府的财政官员发现这项税收很难实施。Local authorities are required by statute to provide care homes for the elderly.法律规定地方政府须为老年人设立养老院。The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.问题是大多数地方政府都缺乏合理应对这个市场的专门知识。




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