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词汇 在院子里
例句 They were laying sod in the yard.他们在院子里铺草皮。For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds.在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。Chickens ran around in the yard.在院子里乱跑。She was standing in the yard.她正站在院子里He had pitched his tent in the yard.在院子里搭起了帐篷。A few chickens were scratching around the yard.几只鸡在院子里到处刨。As a child, I loved to chase the chickens barefoot round the yard.小时候,我喜欢光着脚丫在院子里追赶小鸡。I saw him standing in the yard.我看到他站在院子里The moon cast a bright light over the yard.明亮的月光洒在院子里Sue slipped in the yard and caught her head on the gate post.在院子里滑倒了,头撞在门柱上。Billy was kicking a ball around the yard.比利在院子里踢球。He let/set the dogs loose in the courtyard.他让狗在院子里撒欢。We keep dogs in the yard to drive off intruders.我们在院子里养着几条狗以赶走不速之客。He said he was going to build a boat in his back yard, but I didn't take him seriously!他说要在院子里打造一艘船,我哪里会把他的话当真!The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard.男孩子们正在院子里踢球。I worked in the yard for part of the morning.上午我花了一点儿时间在院子里干活。The dog lay in the yard and gnawed its bone.狗躺在院子里啃骨头。Chickens picked about the yard.鸡群在院子里到处啄食。The kids were running in circles and zigzags around the yard.孩子们在院子里乱跑,又绕圈圈,又跑之字。Benjy, I want you to stay in the yard where I can keep an eye on you.本杰,我要你留在院子里,这样我能看着你。She raises chickens in the yard.在院子里养鸡。The kids were romping in the yard.孩子们正在院子里嬉闹。Though there are no other witnesses, she insists she saw a man in the yard that night.虽然没有其他证人,但她坚持说当晚她在院子里看到一个男人。A woman's shrill laughter reverberated in the courtyard.一个女人的尖笑声在院子里回荡。The children were playing in the yard.孩子们在院子里玩耍。The prisoners began their shuffle around the yard.囚犯们开始在院子里拖着步子走来走去。The kids were playing in the yard, digging in the dirt.孩子们正在院子里挖泥土玩。The chickens were running loose in the yard.几只鸡在院子里乱跑。Let the kids run around outside - that'll tire them out.让孩子们在院子里跑跑吧,他们很快就会筋疲力尽的。They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard, turning somersaults and cartwheels.他们还在院子里一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。The children were playing noisy games in the garden.孩子们正在院子里叽叽喳喳地玩耍。He was chopping wood in the yard.在院子里劈木头。Prisoners must assemble in the courtyard every morning for exercise.每天早晨囚犯必须在院子里集合做早操。He is chopping firewood in the yard.在院子里劈柴。Children were playing out in the yard. 孩子们那时正在院子里玩耍。In the yard, Miguel found a writing table with a busted leg.米格尔在院子里看到一张有条断腿的书桌。I held a yard sale to get rid of my old stuff.在院子里搞了个旧货出售以处理旧东西。The play's opening scene takes place in the courtyard.这部剧的开场发生在院子里The moles dug tunnels in the yard.鼹鼠在院子里打洞。




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