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词汇 在海边
例句 This was their first family holiday together at the seaside.这是他们第一次全家在海边共度假期。I spent my summer at the beach.我的夏天是在海边度过的。We collected shells at the beach.我们在海边拾贝壳。After a week at the beach her skin was bronze.在海边待了一个星期后,她的皮肤变成了古铜色。A weekend by the sea was the perfect tonic.在海边过一个周末绝对可以调整身心。A week at the seaside would really set you up.在海边休息一周真的会使你恢复健康。Three weeks at the seaside sounds just the ticket. Admittedly, my broken leg took the gilt off the gingerbread to some extent.在海边待三个星期听起来正是我所需要的。但不可否认的是,我的伤腿在一定程度上令人扫兴。Brazil has several large cities near the ocean, but not many people live in the interior.巴西在海边有许多大城市,但是内陆人烟稀少。He spoke near the sea in storms to use himself to speak aloud.他在狂风暴雨时在海边讲话,以使自己习惯于大声说话。The smell summoned up memories of family holidays by the sea.这气味唤起了全家在海边度假的记忆。We bought a small cottage by the sea.我们在海边买了一幢小屋。They built a house near the seashore.他们在海边建了一所房子。They have a cottage by the seaside.他们在海边有一栋小屋。We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray.我们将汽车停在海边,汽车上溅满了浪花。They live by the sea.他们住在海边Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks.她最喜爱的题材是那些在海边散步时发现的贝壳。We found a cheap bed and breakfast near the coast.我们在海边找了一家提供廉价住宿和早餐的小旅馆。The conference is an excellent excuse for a few days' holiday by the sea.参加这个会议为在海边度几天假提供了绝好的借口。Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.他们在海边呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黝黑发亮。In summer, they usually stay in their chateau by the ocean.他们通常在海边的别墅里消夏。They lived near the ocean. 他们住在海边We ate in a rustic inn near the sea.我们在海边一家农家风味的小饭店吃的饭。Her family weekends on the coast during the summer.夏天,她全家人在海边度周末。She recalled how she would go for walks along the beach late at night.她想起深夜在海边漫步的情形。A home near the sea is my idea of paradise.在海边建一个家是我梦想的天堂。The hotel is on the coast.这家饭店在海边She had woven a whole fantasy about living near the coast.她编织了一个在海边生活的梦。After a week at the beach his skin bronzed.在海边待了一星期后,他的皮肤晒黑了。A beach town in the US state of New Jersey is passing a ban on the wearing of low-slung pants or jeans on its boardwalk.美国新泽西州的一座海滨镇子通过一项禁令,禁止穿低腰裤在海边小道上行走。We spent a day at the coast.我们在海边度过了一天。A week at the beach will buck her up.在海边住一星期会使她精神焕发的。I'd love to live by the sea.我很想住在海边Their house occupies a beautiful spot next to the ocean.他们的房子在海边一个美丽的地方。




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