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词汇 在梦中
例句 In my dream I flew to a forest of enormous trees.在梦中飞到了一片长着巨树的森林里。Her dreams were troubled, reflecting the tenor of her waking hours.在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。The ghost I saw in my dream was not real. It was just my hallucination.在梦中看见的鬼不是真的,那只是我的幻觉。In the dream, I was falling and falling in a bottomless abyss.在梦中我掉啊掉啊,一直落入无底的深渊。I heard her cry out in her sleep.我听到她在梦中大喊。Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience.在一片漆黑中开车有点儿像在梦中一般。These images surface spontaneously in dreams.这些影像在梦中自然地浮现出来。In my dreams, I often relived my fears and thought I was being attacked.在梦中经常重新经历恐惧,以为自己又遭人袭击了。He would sometimes relive the battle in his dreams.他有时会在梦中重温那次战役。Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too.荣格认为上帝在梦中和我们交谈。圣经上也如是说。You are psychic if you dream prophetically or have premonitions.如果你能在梦中预见未来或能未卜先知,就表示你有特异功能。




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