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词汇 在心里
例句 She silently cursed her own stupidity.在心里骂自己愚蠢。With a mental shrug, he decided to tell the truth.在心里无奈地想了想,决定说出实情。Walker rehearsed his apologies to Clare.沃克把要向克莱尔道歉的话在心里默默地过了几遍。He repeated the names, as if to imprint them in his mind.他一遍遍重复着那些名字,仿佛要把它们铭刻在心里I began counting to myself to slow myself down.我开始在心里数数以使自己平静下来。I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.在心里祈求他们赶快露面。Her heart ached for him.在心里很想念他。She did not speak the words, but instead whispered them inside her head.她没有把这些话出来,只是在心里悄悄地说。I remember thinking how lovely he looked.我记得曾经在心里暗想他的样子多么可爱。He enjoyed playing out the various scenarios in his own mind.他喜欢在心里把各种各样的局面都设想一番。She began mentally checking off the things on her to-do list.她开始在心里将待处理事项清单上的事情逐一过一遍。Tension in the home increases if you bottle things up.你如果把事情强压在心里,家里的气氛就会更趋紧张。She mentally rehearsed what she would say to Jeff.在心里复述着要对杰夫说的话。Guscott rarely speaks out, preferring to keep his own counsel.古斯科特很少发表意见,他更喜欢把自己的看法埋在心里I just prayed that he would stop firing.我只有在心里企盼着他会停止射击。I had gone over and over what happened in my mind.发生的这一切,我在心里想了又想。Inwardly, I had a sneaking admiration for them.在心里暗暗地佩服他们。He considered all possible ways of escape, running them over swiftly in his mind.他考虑了各种可能的脱逃之计,并把各种方案在心里匆匆地过了一遍。She was secretly rehearsing various amusing ways of telling what had happened.她正在心里默默复述各种各样有趣的说法,以介绍发生的事情。He revolved the main points in his mind.在心里反复思考了各个重要的方面。You don't have to suffer in silence. 你没必要把苦闷都埋在心里Robertson tried to dredge up an image of her in his mind.罗伯逊想要在心里回忆起她的形象。




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