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例句 They tried to contact everyone and given the circumstances, I think they did very well.他们试图同每一位联络,在当时那种情况下,我觉得他们做得非常好。The President's visit to the school was a major media event.总统参观这所学校在当时是一个重要的新闻事件。In those days they didn't let you off work to go home very often.在当时,他们并不经常准许请假回家。German militarism was even then evident, a portent of the great conflict to come.德国的穷兵黩武政策甚至在当时就已经昭然若揭,预示着即将爆发大规模冲突。That wasn't material that was in the public domain at the time.那些材料在当时并未公开。The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times.在当时那种一触即发的形势下,采取那样的策略太危险了。Getting a divorce just wasn't done at the time.在当时,离婚是不被社会接受的。I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.我觉得他在当时发表那些评论很不妥当。It was really a bitter pill to swallow at that time.在当时,那真是一件不得不忍受的苦事。Starting her own business seemed like a good idea at the time, but it turned out badly.她自己创业在当时似乎是个好主意,但结果却失败了。The Vortex graphics system was ahead of its time. Few were sold but it strongly influenced later designs.伏特克斯图形系统在当时是超前的,虽然卖出的很少,但它对后来的设计有着极大的影响。My great grandfather earned £5 a week, which was a lot of money in those days.我的曾祖父当年一周挣五英镑,这在当时是很大一笔钱。The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。His plays were fairly iconoclastic in their day.他的戏剧在当时具有相当的反传统意味。As with many ill-considered actions, it probably seemed like the right thing to do at the time.正如很多考虑不当的行为一样,这样做在当时看来也许是正确的。The initiative was in the hands of the government of the day.主动权掌握在当时政府的手里。Bonner's research in particle physics was ahead of its time and widely misunderstood.邦纳的粒子物理学研究在当时是超前的,遭到普遍的误解。It was the best course of action to take in the circumstances.这是在当时情况下能采取的最佳方法。It was a film much praised at the time for its visual symbolism.那是一部由于其视觉象征手法而在当时深受好评的电影。It seemed like a good idea at the time.在当时这似乎是个好主意。Von Braun was then acknowledged as the world's foremost expert on rocket engineering.冯·布劳恩在当时被公认为世界第一流的火箭工程专家。Even in fascist Italy sanity became more and more articulate.即使在当时法西斯主义统治下的意大利,理智也正愈来愈有力地显示出来。A hundred dollars was a great deal of money in those days.一百美元在当时是一笔大数目。Buying a new car seemed like a good idea at the time.买辆新车在当时像是个不错的想法。The thing made a big stir at that time.这事在当时曾引起很大的轰动。In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.佩斯利所拟定的计划在当时的情况下看来非常恰当。She wore a wig, as was the fashion of the day.她带着假发,这在当时很流行。It was a commonly held view in those days.在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。New Zealand cricket was an amateurish set-up in those days.新西兰板球运动在当时只是一种业余建制。It was quite an understood thing to us at that time.在当时对我们来说是件心照不宣之事。Her actions was considered very daring at the time.她的行为在当时被认为是非常大胆的。In those days a working mother was regarded as a bit of an oddity.在当时,一个外出工作的母亲被认为有点怪异。Marrying at such a young age was not untypical of the time.这么年轻就结婚在当时很正常。Their domestic arrangements were considered unconventional at the time.他们的家居布置在当时看来是不落俗套的。The political upheavals find an echo in the art of the time.政治动荡在当时的艺术中呈现出来。In many ways, it was a very modern school for its time.从很多方面来说,这所学校在当时是非常先进的。In its day, the ship was the ne plus ultra of steam navigation.在当时,这艘船是蒸汽船航行最出色的例子。Long hair was the style du jour.长发在当时很流行。It was front-page news at the time.在当时是头版新闻。Barcelona look virtually unbeatable at the moment.巴塞罗那队在当时看来几乎是不可战胜的。




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