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词汇 在夜间
例句 The native guides quietly deserted during the night.几个当地向导在夜间悄悄地不辞而别。We know the rapist stalks his victims at night.我们知道那个强奸犯在夜间偷偷地跟踪受害人。A disproportionate number of fatal accidents takes place at night.致死事故发生在夜间的尤其多。Most burglaries happen at night.入室盗窃案多数发生在夜间A lot of people in the States have a gun handy at night and when they travel.许多美国人在夜间或出行的时候都放一把枪在身边。They travelled by night to avoid detection.他们在夜间赶路,以免被发现。The owl ventures abroad at night.猫头鹰在夜间出巢活动。The saddles feature a reflective trim for night time visibility.这些车座的特点是带有在夜间可视的反光镶边。Someone spirited her away during the night.有人在夜间将她秘密地绑架走了。The sheep were yarded at night.羊群在夜间被赶入圈内。The animal hunts in the nighttime.这种动物在夜间觅食。Some animals hunt at night.有些动物在夜间猎食。People would call at odd hours during the night.人们会在夜间不寻常的时刻打来电话。Vandals violated the cemetery during the night.破坏分子在夜间亵渎了公墓。A watchman guards the house at night.在夜间有一位看守人守护这间屋子。We airdropped in during the night.我们在夜间伞降渗入。If you know you're grinding your teeth, particularly at night, see your dentist.如果你知道自己在磨牙,尤其是在夜间,你应该去看看牙医。Do the spirits of the dead walk at night?死者的鬼魂会在夜间出现吗?The job requires that you work some nights and weekends.这份工作要求你有时要在夜间和周末上班。The local police had warned visitors to keep off the beach at night.当地警方告诫游客不要在夜间去海滩。Excessive driving at night ages a car battery.过多地在夜间开车会使汽车的蓄电池老化。The TV crews couldn't film at night.该电视摄制组无法在夜间拍摄。During the night the gale blew itself out and the glass rose.强风在夜间停息之后气压上升了。We kept the plants under artificial lights at night to speed their growth.我们让这些植物在夜间接受灯光照射以加速生长。Cats are most active at night.在夜间最活跃。He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.他总在夜间出没,袭击二三十岁的单身女子。The cemetery was vandalized during the night.公墓在夜间遭到了破坏。Frogs generally feed at night.青蛙一般在夜间进食。He always opened the window wide at night.在夜间总是把窗大开着。They return at night, infiltrating the territory the Turks have taken.他们悄悄穿越土耳其人占领的区域,在夜间返回。Bats fly abroad in the night-time.蝙蝠在夜间外出飞行。I can't seem to get to sleep at night.在夜间似乎无法入睡。Ghosts are fabled to appear at night.据说鬼魂在夜间出现。They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time.他们想找一个负责任的人在夜间看管这个地方。The fire must have broken out during the night.这场火肯定是在夜间烧起来的。Thousands were arrested in surprise night-time raids.上千人在夜间的突袭中被逮捕。He warned her never to enter the forest at night.他警告她千万不要在夜间到森林里去。Defragment your computer overnight.让你的电脑在夜间整理磁盘碎片。The ships passed each other in the night.船只在夜间互相擦肩而过。The courts are floodlit at night so that you can play all the year round.球场在夜间有泛光灯照明,这样常年都可以举行比赛。




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