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They are using new methods of diagnosis.他们在使用新的诊断方法。The local people still use traditional farming methods which have been used for hundreds of years.当地人仍在使用已经沿用了几百年的传统耕种方法。You should use caution when operating the electric saw.在使用电锯时,你应该小心谨慎。The meeting room is in use at the moment, so we'll have to go somewhere else.现在会议室在使用,我们只能去别处了。Challenged over the methods used, the manager claimed they were permissible under existing legislation.在使用的方法受到质疑后,经理声称这是现行法律允许的。There are reports that poison gas is being used against the rebels.有报道称正在使用毒气对付叛乱者。She still uses snail mail for paying bills.她仍在使用蜗牛邮件付账。This instance shows how important it is to check that the machine is working properly before you use it.这一事例表明在使用前检查机器运转是否正常有多么重要。The policy requires notification of building residents when pesticides are going to be used.这项政策要求在使用杀虫剂之前要先通知楼内的居民。After a certain age, a car's just a liability.汽车在使用了一定年限后就会变成一个累赘。Students from countries as diverse as Colombia and Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks.来自哥伦比亚、立陶宛等不同国家的学生都在使用剑桥的课本。We're using new management techniques/practices.我们在使用新的管理技术/方法Companies are getting smart about how they use corporate planes.公司在使用自己的公务飞机方面变明智了。This new book demystifies some of the computer language currently in use.该新书简单明了地解释了目前正在使用的一些电脑语言。Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。The demolition work was going ahead with cranes and wrecker's balls.拆除工作正在使用吊车和球破碎机进行。Security forces are still using violence against opponents of the government.安全部队仍然在使用武力镇压反对政府的人。More and more people are using the Internet to find/get information.越来越多的人在使用互联网查找/获取信息。We'd better get clued up about this new computer system before we start using it.我们在使用这种新的电脑系统之前最好先全面了解。He is using the drill.他正在使用钻孔机。Students of English often encounter difficulty with professional titles.英语学生在使用职衔称呼方面常遇困难。Thousands of people used this drug on the presumption that it was safe. 成千上万的人都认为这种药物是安全的,所以都在使用。We're using a new mode of teaching.我们正在使用一种新的教学方法。We're still having difficulties with the new computers.我们在使用新电脑方面仍有困难。You should close any open programs/documents before you reboot your computer.在重启电脑之前,你应该关闭所有正在使用的程序/文档。They are using every legal tool at their disposal to prevent the bridge from being built.他们正在使用所有可用的法律手段来阻止大桥的建设。If you are using this software, it's helpful to have some understanding of basic design principles.如果你在使用这个软件,了解一些基本的设计原理是很有用的。The seeds are ground into a fine powder before use.种子在使用之前先磨成细粉末。A highly modified version of the program is being used.正在使用的是该程序经过大幅修改的版本。In this country, all donated blood is tested before it is used.在这个国家,所有捐献的血液在使用前都经过检测。I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。Socially responsible marketing requires marketers to take ethical behaviors into consideration when they use marketing tools.带有社会责任感的市场营销要求营销人员在使用营销工具时考虑伦理道德纳。They were cited by the Nobel Assembly for discoveries in organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease.他们因在使用器官和细胞移植治疗人类疾病方面的发现而受到诺贝尔大会的嘉奖。The company is borrowing a page from its largest competitor.这家公司正在使用一项由其头号竞争者首创的技术。Everyone's using bold colors to decorate their homes. Plain white walls just don't cut it anymore. 大家都在使用醒目的颜色装饰房间,纯白色的墙已经不再受欢迎。In business, you can't be too fussy about using unethical methods.在商界,在使用不道德手段的问题上再怎么谨慎都不为过。Did she see her husband as capable of murder? She had used the word without a qualm.她觉得自己的丈夫可能杀人吗?在使用这个字眼的时候,她没有丝毫的不安。Before you try to use the camera, read the manual carefully.在使用照相机之前,先仔细阅读说明书。In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.报告披露,在撞机事故发生时,飞行员和调度员对正在使用的雷达系统都没有任何经验。Please would members remember to sign in all guests before using the pool.请会员在使用游泳池前先登记所有同来的客人。 |