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词汇 car park
例句 The monitor showed that someone was moving around in the car park.监视器显示有人在停车场走动。I couldn't find an empty space in the car park.我在停车场找不到空位。I followed the arrows to the car park.我顺着箭头所指方向开到了停车场。A few people have spoken in favour of the new car park, but I'm sure the silent majority are against it.少数人说同意建造新停车场,但我敢肯定保持沉默的大多数人是反对的。I had to park in the far corner of the car park.我只好把车停在停车场那头的角落里。He ran the car into the car park.他把汽车开进停车场。There is a car park for residents of the apartments, with one space allotted to each flat.有一个供公寓居民使用的停车场,每套公寓分配一个车位。As I recall, but correct me if I'm wrong, it was in a car park in Carmarthen.如果我没记错的话,那是在卡马森的一个停车场内。The van was fuelled and waiting in the basement car park.小货车加好了油,在地下停车场等着。Buses shuttled passengers from the car park to the airport terminal.摆渡车在停车场和机场航站楼之间往返接送乘客。The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.停车场被人挤得水泄不通。The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.一堵矮墙标出了停车场的边界。Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park.运动场的一部分被栏杆隔开,用作停车场。When I came back to the car park my car was blocked in.当我回到停车场时我的车被堵住了。Just follow your nose until you see the school car park.笔直向前走到可以看见学校的停车场。The car park is strictly for the use of residents.停车场仅供居民使用。We began to file out into the car park.我们开始鱼贯而出,去停车场。He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.他摇摇晃晃地行走在停车场凹凸不平的地面上。They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。I usually cut through the car park to get to work.我通常抄近路穿过停车场去上班。Webb turned off the main road and drove round to the car park.韦布驶离干道,驱车拐入停车场。The car park is patrolled by security officers.停车场的巡查工作由保安们来完成。This car park is for the use of patrons only.该停车场仅供我们的客人使用。Where the temple once stood there is now a multi-storey car park.过去庙宇所在的地方现在成了多层停车场。They're going to turn the playing fields into a car park.他们要把运动场改建为停车场。Video cameras scanned the car park.摄像机扫描着停车场。You could try parking by the library - there's usually room in the car park there.你可以试试把车停在图书馆旁边,那里的停车场通常有空位。How could they do away with a beautiful old building like that and put a car park there instead?他们怎么能拆掉一座那样漂亮的老建筑去修建停车场呢?I joined the line of vehicles waiting to get into the car park.我排进汽车长龙里等着进停车场。The car park is strictly for the use of residents.那个停车场仅供当地居民使用。Two guys jumped me with clubs in the car park.有两个家伙在停车场用棍棒突然袭击了我。He pulled the car into the car park.他把车停在停车场。The car park was full, and the nearest suitable alternative was two miles away.这个停车场没有空位了,另一个离这儿最近的合适的停车场有两英里远。The car park is for staff only.那个停车场只限员工使用。We queued for half an hour waiting for a free space in the car park.我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。There used to be a large car park on this site.这地方曾经是个大停车场。Maria was out in the car park, running like a woman possessed.玛丽亚在外面停车场里,像个疯女人似的跑着。Three clowns were dancing around the car park on stilts.三个踩着高跷的小丑绕着停车场跳舞。I had to go early 'cos it's a bastard to get your motor out of the car park.我得早点走,因为从停车场取车麻烦得要死。There's a car park opposite the hotel.酒店对面有一个停车场。




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