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词汇 图书
例句 She runs a local charity that gives books to children.她经营一个当地慈善机构,为孩子们提供图书The online system can classify books by subject.在线系统可根据题材对图书进行分类。With a nervous swallow he bearded the formidable-looking librarian behind the desk.他紧张地咽了口唾沫,鼓起了勇气,看着桌子后面那个凶神恶煞般的图书管理员。He shelved the books/products.他把图书/产品放到架子上。This library loans books and CDs.这家图书馆可以外借图书和光盘。The librarian shoved a huge file across the counter.图书管理员把一大堆案卷从柜台那头推到这边。Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry.图书装订业大体上算是家庭手工业。They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书She got a book deal with a major publisher.她和一家大出版公司签订了图书出版合同。Libraries organize books according to a subject classification scheme.图书馆按照学科分类系统整理图书An old man approached with several octavo volumes under his insufficient arms.一个老人走上前来,双臂不胜其重地挟着几册八开本的图书I am ready to judge any book on its merits.我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。Books may one day become a thing of the past.图书有一天可能会成为历史。The school is always having to get out the begging bowl for books and basic equipment.这所学校总是不得不伸手讨要图书和基本设施。The government may put an indirect tax on books.政府可以对图书征收间接税。Nigel's hobby is collecting rare books.奈杰尔爱好收集珍本图书You can enroll in the book club with the provision that you buy more books. 你可以加入读书俱乐部,条件是你得购买更多图书The librarian looked at us with a glower of annoyance.图书管理员生气地看着我们。The librarian slapped a fine on him for returning the books late.因为他逾期还书,图书管理员强制他交了罚款。The librarian responded to my query.图书管理员对我的询问做了答复。Janet edited books for a variety of publishers.珍妮特为许多出版社编辑过图书He has produced umpteen books, plays and television series.他推出了众多图书、戏剧和电视连续剧作品。She likes all types of books.她喜欢各种类型的图书Will computers ever completely replace books?电脑将会完全取代图书吗?The librarian has all the information at his fingertips.这位图书管理员对所有信息都了如指掌。Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings.图书以纸质优良、封面精美而闻名。You can purchase the books by mail order.你可以邮购这些图书The school's fairly well off for books these days.这所学校近来有相当多图书I've read all the books you gave me.我读完了你给我的所有图书Books and magazines lying around make the place very untidy.这个地方到处都是图书杂志,显得非常凌乱。It is important to negotiate a good discount and obtain books on approval.重要的是要谈下一个优厚的折扣价,而且图书包退包换。The librarian stuck the book back on its shelf.图书管理员把书放回了书架上。I turned my library book over to the librarian.我把图书交还给管理员。Librarians welcomed computerization as the panacea for all their cataloguing problems.图书馆管理员欢迎实行电脑化,他们认为电脑化是帮助他们解决所有的图书编目问题的万全之策。A huge supply of books is at your disposal in the library.图书馆里有大量的图书任你学习使用。They are the biggest supplier of books in the area.他们是本地区最大的图书供应商。They mainly deal in rare books.他们主要经营珍本图书She is trying to promote a less stuffy image of librarians.他在努力提升图书管理员的形象,想使之显得不那么古板。All you have to do is collect the tokens and exchange them for free books.你所要做的事情就是收集代金券,换取免费图书I was transferred to the book department.我被调到图书部。




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