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词汇 国内
例句 The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.劫机者劫持了这架国内客机。Treasury and Inland Revenue officials have still not finalized the details.财政部和国内税务局的官员们尚未敲定细节。While the king was abroad, trouble was brewing at home.国王出国时,国内正酝酿一场动乱。We have one of the best systems in the country, but we're always open to suggestions.我们拥有国内最好的系统之一,但我们仍永远欢迎各方的建议。The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition.革命者肃清了国内敌对势力。We can make a profit on home sales alone.单是国内销售便能让我们赚上一笔。These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country.这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.该组织的目的是想把国内各地患有这种病的患者都联合起来。Our band has some of the best brass players in the country.我们的乐队拥有几个国内最佳的铜管乐器手。A mailing had gone out to every school in the country.国内的每个学校都寄了邮件。The proposal would end a long-running dispute between the Internal Revenue and the petroleum producers.这一提议将结束国内税务局与石油生产商之间长期的纷争。When you're living abroad, it's easy to lose touch with what's going on back home.在国外居住很容易与国内发生的事情脱节。He's demonstrated how a campaign based on domestic issues can move votes.他已证明了基于国内议题的竞选活动是可以拉到选票的。He's the most talented actor in the country, bar none.他是国内最有天分的演员,无人可比。He received an audit, compliments of the IRS.他被审计了,这可是国内税务局的赠礼。The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.强硬派的讲话大部分像是讲给国内人听的。The rise in living costs struck the poor people of the country.生活费用的上涨使国内的穷人遭殃。Their clothes reflect a rising standard of living in their country.他们身穿的衣服显示出他们国内日益提高的生活水平。Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark's future role in Europe rages on.与此同时,国内也展开了有关丹麦未来在欧洲扮演何种角色的激烈争论。A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned.也许能从国内的相关协会获得特许。The party has distanced itself from the more rabid nationalist groups in the country.此党派与国内较偏激的民族主义团体保持了距离。This court has jurisdictional right over domestic cases.这个法院对国内案件有裁判权。It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.这是国内设备最先进、最有威望的学校之一。He is the only canonical Greek Orthodox priest in the state.他是国内唯一一名在会的希腊正教会教士。The plan called for the deputation of US military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement.该方案呼吁委派美国军队和国民警卫队以使其可合法地于国内执法。Most people in the country support the return to democratic government.国内大多数人都支持恢复民主政体。Bad weather has decimated the national herd.恶劣的天气使得国内动物种群大批死亡。England's footballers are back home after their ill-fated trip to Algeria.英格兰足球队结束了倒霉的阿尔及利亚之行,回到了国内He was found guilty of defrauding the Internal Revenue Service.他被判欺诈国内税务署罪名成立。The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments.国内收入署试图驳回这些缴纳款。Domestic unrest inclined him to seek peace in external relations.国内的动荡使他有意从对外关系中寻求和平。He has the support of most right-thinking people in this country.他得到了国内大多数有正义感的人们的支持。She scouts young musicians for one of the country's top orchestras.她为国内一家顶级的管弦乐团物色年轻的音乐家。The magazine began when the country was undergoing a culinary renaissance. 这家杂志创办于国内烹饪技艺复兴之时。The company gives/lends its name to one of the biggest golf tournaments in the country. 这家公司冠名了国内最大的高尔夫球锦标赛之一。Most companies at home have been hesitant to take the plunge into the promising but difficult foreign market.国内大多数公司都举棋不定,不愿贸然打入虽大有可为但毕竟难以驾驭的国外市场。Now let's take a look at the main national and international news.现在让我们来看一下主要的国内和国际新闻。The country stepped up internal security.该国加强了国内安保。The ticket gives students unlimited free travel within the UK.这种票可让学生在英国国内不受任何限制地免费旅游。Back in Britain, things appear, on the surface, simpler.而在英国国内,事情表面上看来要简单一些。




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