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词汇 固执
例句 He is a little obstinate, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the post.他就是有点固执,从其他方面来看,倒是很适合这个职位的。I knew how stubborn he could be once he'd got an idea inside his head.我知道他头脑中一旦有了主意就会变得多么固执His face was set in an expression of stubborn determination.他脸上流露出固执坚定的表情。She's a tough bargainer/negotiator.她是个固执的议价者/谈判者。Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative, and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,对政治非常热衷。Several balky congressmen have refused to support the President's tax plan.几个固执的国会议员拒绝支持总统的税收计划。He is very hardheaded and will not accept new ideas easily.他很固执,不易接受新思想。Their persistence acts as a constant irritant.他们的固执使我们整日不得安宁。He rebuked them for their pedantries and obstinacies.他责骂他们的迂腐和固执My parents remain as obstinate as ever.我父母还跟以前一样固执She's a curious mixture of stubbornness and servility.她既固执又恭顺,令人捉摸不透。These old teachers tend to have very fixed ideas.这些老教师往往都很固执I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone.固执地待在自己的房间里,坐在电话机旁。Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect.妈妈很固执,金在这方面像她。He is one of the government's most persistent critics.他是政府最固执的批评家之一。She was as obstinate as a mule.固执得像头驴子。They eat huge quantities of sweet and fried foods, in wilful disregard of their health.他们固执地无视自己的健康,吃大量的甜食和油炸食品。Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.固执是他和他母亲共有的一个特征。He grew even more rigid and uncompromising as he got older.随着年龄的增长,他变得越来越固执,不肯迁就。He's too headstrong to reason with.固执得难以理喻。Her stubbornness on this one issue is holding the whole deal up.她在这一问题上的固执使整个交易被拖延了。The thought returned with a dogged insistence.这个想法固执地坚持著,不肯退去。The patient was weak, but too bloody-minded to accept help.病人身体虚弱,但特别固执,不肯接受帮助。He won't listen to us and is only blind obstinate.他不肯听我们的,只是盲目地固执The child has a stubborn streak.这个孩子有点固执The problem with you is that you're too stubborn.你的问题是过于固执Len remained resolutely silent.莱恩固执地一言不发。He is too wrongheaded to abandon his original objective.他太固执,不会放弃自己的原定目标。They were two of a kind, both proud and stubborn, both hated by the community.他俩是同一类人,都很骄傲、很固执,而且都惹人嫌。She stubbornly refused to move.固执地拒绝挪动位置。He acknowledged his own shortcomings, including at times being stubborn and a little vain.他承认了自己的缺点,包括有时候会很固执,并有点自视过高。We tried to persuade her but she was adamant.我们试图说服她,但是她很固执He pig-headedly refuses to accept their offers.固执地拒绝接受他们的提议。The obstinate girl would go her way, in spite of all warnings.固执的姑娘不管人家怎样警告她,还是我行我素。He was too pigheaded to listen to my suggestion.他太固执了,根本不听我的建议。He can be intransigent and pigheaded at times.他有时会变得固执而顽钝。She has very set ideas about how children should behave.她对孩子的行为方式有一些固执的看法。He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.固执地拒绝告诉她自己是如何沦落到这种地步的。Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,而且对政治非常热衷。My brother has a bee in his bonnet about modern art.我弟弟对现代艺术有一套奇怪固执的念头。




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