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词汇 围裙
例句 Chris was in a grimy apron, sweeping up.克丽丝穿了件肮脏的围裙进行打扫。He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.他穿得很奇怪,衬衫和裤子外面套着件镶褶边的粉红围裙Annie whipped off her apron and put it into the drawer.安妮把围裙一解,放到抽屉里。My child hung on to my apron, and would not let go.我的孩子紧紧拉住我的围裙不放。Women in white aprons gossiped in the alley between the apartment blocks.系着白色围裙的妇女们在公寓大楼间的小巷里说着东家长西家短。Ida wiped her hands on her apron.艾达在她的围裙上揩了揩手。She wore a spotless white apron.她围著一条洁白的围裙Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes.记得带一个围裙或者一件旧衬衫来,免得弄脏你的衣服。Amy untied her apron and folded it neatly.埃米解下围裙,把它叠得整整齐齐。A maid in a white apron opened the door.一个身著白围裙的女佣开了门。She wore a starched white apron over her black dress.她在黑色连衣裙外套了件浆过的白色围裙She rubbed her hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦手。Amphibious hovercraft are fitted with a flexible skirt.水陆两用气垫船装有柔性围裙The butcher wore a blood-spattered apron.屠夫系了一条血迹斑斑的围裙She wiped her floury hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦沾满面粉的双手。The cook's apron covered her middle.厨用围裙裹着她的腰部。I mean the commis, the youths in the long aprons.我指那些下级侍者,那些系着长围裙的青年人。She used leftover scraps of fabric to make a patchwork apron.她利用余下的织物碎块拼凑了一件围裙She tied an apron around her waist.她将围裙系在腰间。She made up the remaining cloth into an apron.她把余下的布料做成一个围裙She tied the apron loosely around her waist.她在腰上松松地系了条围裙




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