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The software allows us to personalize client letters.该软件使我们能够写出因人而异的客户信件。That sort of thing varies from person to person.那种事因人而异。The drug affects different people in different ways.这种药的疗效因人而异。The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们对睡眠的需求量因人而异。We know that taste in art is a subjective matter.我们知道艺术品位因人而异。The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual.对疼痛的忍耐力因人而异,变化很大。The treatment will vary from patient to patient.治疗方法因人而异。The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual…对疼痛的耐受程度因人而异,差别很大。The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.对疼痛的忍受能力因人而异。Tastes in fiction vary from person to person.对小说的鉴赏力因人而异。Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.对疼痛的忍受力因人而异。Eating habits are bound to vary from individual to individual.饮食习惯肯定因人而异。I tailor-make music according to the person.我因人而异地谱写音乐。The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们需要的睡眠时间因人而异。 |