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词汇 四天
例句 The band are flying out to Ibiza tonight for a huge four-day celebrity bash.该乐队准备今晚飞往伊维萨岛参加为期四天的大型庆祝狂欢活动。Four inches of rain have fallen in four days.四天的降雨量为四英寸。The course is spread out over four days.这门课程分四天进行。The delivery was four days later than agreed.交货比商定的日期晚了四天I have four days of unused vacation time left.我还有四天假期可用。I put in four twelve-hour days this week.本周我有四天每天工作十二小时。I was off sick for four days with the flu.我因得流感休了四天病假。It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.花了四天时间才找回所有遇难者的尸体。The families were held/kept prisoner for four days.这家人当了四天俘虏。The only way they can finish the job in four days is by cutting corners.他们只有靠偷工减料才能在四天内完成这项工作。The President was leaving for a four-day official tour of Mexico.总统即将前往墨西哥进行为期四天的正式访问。He was sick for four days.他病了四天了。The date of the meeting was advanced by four days.会议提前四天召开。Four days of unrest and anti-government riots left at least three people dead.为期四天的骚乱和反政府暴乱造成至少三人死亡。It has rained for four consecutive days.已连续下了四天雨。My mother lived for four more days, but she was in agony.母亲多活了四天,但她承受了剧痛。She left on Thursday and came back four days later.她星期四离开,四天后返回。Checks can take up to four days to clear. = Checks can take up to four days to be cleared.支票兑现可能需要四天的时间。A can of baby formula costing $6.00 will last you three to four days.一罐六美元的婴儿配方奶粉可以吃三到四天It had rained for four consecutive days.雨接连下了四天The following morning brought frost, the start of a four-day cold snap.第二天早晨有霜冻,这是四天寒潮的开始。Both opposition parties are criticizing the four-day working week as an empty promise that will never be enacted.两个反对党都在批评每周工作四天是一个永远不会实现的空头承诺。You were supposed to give this work in four days ago.四天前就应该把作业交上来了。Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.学习计算机的学生每周有两天在计算机室上机,四天在教室上课。This is the last game in a four-day stretch here at the Forum.这是在古罗马广场为期四天的赛事中最后一场比赛。




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