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词汇 嘘声
例句 This announcement was greeted with boos and hisses.这项宣布引来一片嘘声The crowd responded with boos and catcalls.人群报以嘘声和口哨声。The pitcher heard angry catcalls as he walked off the field.投手离场时听到了愤怒的嘘声The minister was greeted with a chorus of boos.大臣遭到了一片嘘声The booing was so loud I could hardly hear the announcement.嘘声太大,我几乎听不见通告内容。Many people in the crowd booed when the announcement was made.通告公布时,人群中很多人发出了嘘声They welcomed him with hisses and catcalls.他们用一片嘘声来迎接他。This remark raised a wild hiss.这句话引起了嘘声一片。A chorus of boos rang out from the audience.听众发出一阵嘘声The librarian shushed the noisy children.图书馆管理员用嘘声让吵闹的孩子们安静下来。The speaker was hooted off the platform by a small group of protesters.那名发言人被少数抗议者的嘘声轰下了台。The announcement was met by a loud chorus of boos. 这个公告得到的回应是嘘声一片。The crowd booed the singer off the stage. 人群用嘘声将这位歌手赶下了台。The crowd booed and hooted when it was announced that the show was canceled.当宣布演出取消时,观众嘘声一片,叫嚷起来。He was affected badly by the barracking that he got from the crowd.人群中的一片嘘声令他大受影响。People in the crowd were booing and heckling as she tried to speak.她刚要演讲,人群中就传来一片嘘声和起哄声。She was booed off the stage.她被一阵嘘声轰下了台。A chorus of boos was heard after the shot missed the goal.射门未中引来了一片嘘声Fans showed their displeasure at the umpire's call by booing loudly.球迷们发出一阵嘘声表示对裁判判决的不满。There were loud boos from the audience.观众中传来响亮的嘘声The mayor was jeered and booed as he tried to speak to the crowd.市长试图对人群讲话时招来了嘲笑声和嘘声Many people in the crowd booed the announcement, but a few people cheered it.人群中很多人对此通告发出不满的嘘声,但也有几个人喝彩。His speech was met with catcalls.对他的演讲,人们报以嘘声The crowd responded with boos and catcalls.人群里发出一片嘘声After a moment the barracking began. First came hisses, then shouts.过了一会儿便有人起哄了。先是嘘声,然后就是大喊大叫。He was roundly booed by CU partisans every time he touched the ball.他每次触球都会引来哥伦比亚大学拥趸的一片嘘声He left the stage to the sound of booing.他在一片嘘声中离开了舞台。The crowd booed the opposing team.人群向对方球队发出了嘘声Keough denied that the boos affected his performance.基奥否认嘘声影响了他的表现。She was greeted with boos and hisses.迎接她的是一片嘘声There were jeers and booing from the audience.观众发出了嘲笑声和嘘声




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