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词汇 喜剧
例句 The US comedy format was gradually imported to UK screens.这种美国喜剧模式逐渐引入英国银幕。I prefer Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies.我喜欢莎士比亚的喜剧胜过他的悲剧。She seemed to have a deft touch with comedy.看来她的喜剧演技颇为娴熟。Doggerels are a rich source of comedy and satire.打油诗为喜剧和讽刺作品提供了丰富的素材来源。The novel weds tragedy and comedy.这部小说融合了悲剧和喜剧He's admired for his comic/artistic/scientific genius.他因其喜剧/艺术/科学天赋而受到赞赏。Let me pick the movie tonight - I don't want to see another comedy.让我选今晚的电影吧—我不想再看一场喜剧了。Comedy is the new rock 'n' roll.喜剧取代摇滚乐成了新的宠儿。It was a time when comedy was king. 那是一个喜剧称王的时代。His success projected him onto Channel 4's comedy series 'Packet of Three.'他的成功让自己加入到第四频道的系列喜剧《三人秀》中。The comedy received rave notices from the London critics.这出喜剧得到伦敦评论界的热烈褒评。Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.演员多姆·德卢西谈论自己的喜剧生涯。John Anderson and Pauline Collins have signed with London Weekend Television to appear as husband and wife in a new comedy series.约翰·安德森和波琳· 柯林斯已与伦敦周末电视签约在新的系列喜剧中扮演夫妻。I prefer drama to comedy.喜剧相比,我更喜欢正剧。Appearing as the heroine of a comedy, she brought her illustrious stage career to a grand finale yesterday.昨天她在一出喜剧中担任女主角,以一场盛大演出结束了她那辉煌的舞台生涯。Morecambe and Wise were a well-loved comedy twosome.莫克姆和怀斯是一对广受喜爱的喜剧组合。The comedy duo will perform tonight.那对喜剧搭档今晚将登台演出。He's performed his comedy show in nightclubs across the country.他在全国各地的夜总会表演他的喜剧秀。What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?这本书属于什么体裁——喜剧还是悲剧?In her richest work she fuses comedy and tragedy.在她最精彩的作品中,她融喜剧悲剧为一体。I was in a sketch group for a couple of years.我在喜剧团里待了几年。The movie is a comedy about a lovesick teenager.这是部关于一个单相思少年的喜剧Comedy is so often based on the minutiae of everyday life.喜剧常常取材于日常生活中的琐事。One of his new comedies is to be presented.他的一个新喜剧将要上演。Chaplin's comic genius is preserved on celluloid.卓别林的喜剧天才在电影里被保存了下来。This is vintage comedy at its best.这是这类喜剧中的代表性作品。The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.这次行动从喜剧转为闹剧,最后变成了悲剧。The actress is starring in a daffy new comedy this summer.今年夏天这位女演员在一部新滑稽喜剧中担任主演。The film is largely a mixture of music, dance, and comedy.这部影片主要是集音乐、舞蹈与喜剧于一身。The movie is a comedy, but rather a dull one.这部影片是个喜剧,但相当无聊。The show mixed comedy with social commentary.这个节目将喜剧元素与社会批判结合在一起。The playwright made quite a splash on Broadway with his comedy.那位剧作家写的喜剧在百老汇引起很大的轰动。The poem's comic allegory was transparent.该诗的喜剧讽喻法是显而易见的。Last week a new comedy opened at the theatre.一出新的喜剧上星期在戏院开始上演。 She's the writer's greatest comic creation.她是作者笔下最伟大的喜剧人物。The comedy show has inched its way up the ratings despite the hammerings of reviewers.那出喜剧尽管受到评论家们的猛烈抨击还是渐渐地演红了。Their rivalry is vicious and makes for an enjoyably spiky comedy.他们之间的竞争非常激烈,成了一出有趣的尖刻喜剧The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine.马克斯兄弟因表演一套喜剧剧目而出名。In the comedy, he plays the part of a bumbling, dim-witted salesman.他在这部喜剧中扮演一个笨手笨脚、头脑不灵光的销售员。The movie aims for comedy.这部电影想要拍成喜剧




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