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I'd be amazed if I got the job.我要是得到这份工作就会喜出望外。Coggan said his clients were ecstatic about the judge's ruling.科根说他的当事人对于法官的判决喜出望外。His parents were absolutely delighted about the baby.他父母因为有这个宝宝而喜出望外。We were pleasantly surprised to see her there.看到她在那儿,我们喜出望外。We saw so many shooting stars that night, it was unreal!我们看到了那么多流星,实在令人喜出望外。The sunny weather was a welcome bonus.阳光灿烂的天气令人喜出望外。The rain after the long drought was a godsend.久旱逢雨使人喜出望外。 |