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词汇 喋喋不休
例句 She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.她在门口一直听着他对她客户喋喋不休的抱怨。Their endless chatter drove her to distraction.他们喋喋不休,让她心神不宁。He goes on endlessly about his health problems.喋喋不休地说他的健康问题。Jim talks so much that all the others barely get a look-in.吉姆老是喋喋不休,其他人简直插不上嘴。The children's constant chatter was irritating.孩子们老是喋喋不休,真烦人。He talked and talked and talked.喋喋不休,讲个没完。Nancy would rattle on for hours about her grandchildren.南希会几个小时喋喋不休地讲她的孙子孙女。The thing I fear the most when traveling on a plane is to have a garrulous neighbor.我搭飞机旅行时,最怕有个喋喋不休的邻座。She chattered on and on about her recent trip.喋喋不休地谈她最近的旅行。He launched into an interminable monologue about his last therapy session.他一个人喋喋不休地讲起了他上一次会诊的经过。He talks ad nauseam about how clever his children are.喋喋不休地说着他的孩子们有多聪明,真是令人生厌。Children chattered in the middle of the playground.孩子们在操场中间喋喋不休地闲聊。Just get her started and she'll clack all day.只要让她说开头,她就会喋喋不休地讲上一整天。The child's incessant talking started to irritate her.孩子喋喋不休,使她烦躁起来。I listened to the salesman's spiel but still refused to buy anything.我听了销售人员喋喋不休的套话,不过还是不愿购买任何东西。Troy's chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.特洛伊的喋喋不休让我把郁闷的想法放到了一边。He kept rattling away in French.喋喋不休地用法语讲话。She often wagged her jaw.她常常喋喋不休Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.激进女性主义是近来喋喋不休阶层的时髦话题。Her constant chatter was starting to annoy me.她的喋喋不休开始惹我厌烦了。She never stops yammering about that dog of hers.她总是喋喋不休地讲她家的狗如何如何。The constant chattering of the children set his teeth on edge.孩子们喋喋不休的饶舌使他感到厌烦。He kept blabbing on and on about politics.喋喋不休地谈论着政治。She was talking away about her plans when suddenly she broke off.喋喋不休地谈论她的计划,说着说着突然停住了。She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next.她从一个话题扯到另一个话题,一直喋喋不休They talked nineteen to the dozen about all they had done in that time.他们喋喋不休地谈著那段时间里他们所做过的一切。His chatter was getting on my wick. 喋喋不休,快把我烦死了。Jane's constant chatter was beginning to annoy me.简老是喋喋不休的,我都烦起来了。The politicians always drivel on about promises that they can't possibly fulfil.政客们老是喋喋不休地作些不大可能实现的允诺。They started wittering on about their last trip to Provence.他们开始喋喋不休地谈论上次的普罗旺斯之行。She was ear-bashing me all over tea.她在喝茶时一直向我喋喋不休He kept up a flow of chatter.他一直喋喋不休She's nice but her husband's a real blowhard. 她人很好,可她丈夫却是个喋喋不休的吹牛大王。I'm tired of hearing him spout off about his adventures.喋喋不休地大讲冒险经历,我都听腻了。She kept up a non-stop flow of baby talk.她一直在喋喋不休地说着儿语。What were you two gabbing about all evening?你们两人整晚喋喋不休地在闲聊什么?He found himself chattering away out of nervousness.他发现自己由于紧张而喋喋不休起来。He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other.尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.梅米姨妈喋喋不休地说着。He rambled on for hours.喋喋不休地谈了好几个钟头。




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