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词汇 喉咙
例句 His words made her throat tighten.他的话使她喉咙发紧。He tasted vomit at the back of his mouth.他尝到喉咙口有呕吐物的味道。The man who cut the schoolgirl's throat was sentenced to life imprisonment because psychoanalysis revealed that he is a sociopath.那个切断女孩喉咙的犯人被判无期徒刑,因为心理分析师认为他有反社会人格。I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.喉咙发炎,吞咽东西时很疼。The man drew a finger across his throat in a threatening gesture.那个男子的手指划过喉咙,做了一个威胁的手势。He choked on a fishbone.他被鱼骨头卡住了喉咙A piece of food stuck in her throat.一块食物卡在她的喉咙里。Use a humidifier in heated rooms to prevent dry air irritating your throat.在开暖气的房间里可用加湿器,防止吸入干燥空气造成喉咙不适。The sound came from deep within his throat.声音从他的喉咙深处发出。It's pretty unpleasant having a tube forced down your throat.喉咙里被强行插进一根管子是很难受的。The veins stood out on his throat and temples.喉咙和太阳穴上青筋凸出。His throat was too tight to allow the words to escape.他感到喉咙堵塞,一句话都说不出来。He coughed and the phlegm rattled.他咳嗽了,痰在喉咙口呼噜呼噜响。He felt a tickle in his throat.他觉得喉咙里痒痒的。The old man drew a long, gnarled finger across his throat.老人伸出一根扭曲变形的长手指摸了一下喉咙Charlie wanted to take Herrick by the throat and choke him to death.查理想扼住赫里克的喉咙把他掐死。He's had a throat infection for over a week and his voice has gone squeaky.喉咙感染有一周了,嗓音变得很尖细。My throat was dry. I was at a loss for words.喉咙很干,不知说什么才好。The thought of Nick made her throat tighten.一想到尼克,她的喉咙就发紧。I felt a catch in my throat as the music started up.音乐响起的时候我感觉喉咙哽塞了。John lunged forward and grabbed him by the throat.约翰扑上去一把掐住他的喉咙He locked his hands around the younger man's throat.他用双手卡住那个较年轻的人的喉咙A fish-bone stuck in his throat.喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。Pantieri went for him, gripping him by the throat.潘蒂埃里扑向他,紧紧地扼住他的喉咙Her throat and eyes were irritated.她的喉咙和眼睛在发炎疼痛。She could not speak; her throat was in spasm.她的喉咙抽搐着,说不出话来。She put the knife to his throat to frighten him into silence.她用刀抵住他的喉咙,威胁他不要出声。A piece of meat lodged in his throat.一块肉卡在他的喉咙里。I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.我站在那里,喉咙哽塞,拼命想忍住眼泪。He choked on his own blood after being shot in the throat.喉咙中弹,鲜血呛得他透不过气来。My throat constricted, so that I had to concentrate on breathing.喉咙发紧,不得不集中精神呼吸。Your constant coughing is symptomatic of a throat problem, possibly throat cancer.你不停的咳嗽就是你喉咙有问题的症状,也许是喉癌。He is sick with a scratchy throat.他生病了,喉咙肿痛。A scrabbly little scratching sound came out of her throat.从她喉咙里发出一种低微粗嘎的声音。She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat.她抿了一口水,润一下发干的喉咙The doctor will depress your tongue and look at your throat.医生会压下你的舌头,查看你的喉咙It's a germ that causes sore throats.病菌导致喉咙疼。Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat.杰拉尔德爵士从喉咙里发出了点儿声音。The chemical causes eye, nose and throat irritations.这种化学物质会引起眼睛、鼻子和喉咙发炎。He grabbed her by the throat.他掐住她喉咙




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