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词汇 商人
例句 The seminar was attended by a miscellaneous collection of students, businessmen, and housewives.参加研讨会的有学生、商人以及家庭主妇等各种人。The panel consists mostly of local businessmen.这个小组主要由当地的商人组成。He is an unscrupulous businessman.他是个不择手段的商人He was a good businessman, but never a team player.他是一个优秀的商人,但绝不是一个好的合作伙伴。She had her antique vases valued by a reputable dealer.她把那个古董花瓶送到一个有信誉的商人那里估了价。The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。Like many musicians, she's found that she has to be a businesswoman as well as a performer.同很多音乐人一样,她发现自己必须既是表演者又是商人Sometimes he seems to be an extraordinary blend of artist, poet and businessman.有时他似乎是个集艺术家、诗人与商人于一身的怪杰。That businessman has a lot of clout at city hall.那位商人在市府里很有影响力。The old merchants shut their books.那些年老的商人歇业不做买卖了。The businessmen must stand up to the gang extortionists.商人必须勇敢面对帮派的勒索。Self-service supermarkets were first popularized by businessman Clarence Saunders.自助式的超级市场最初是由商人克拉伦斯·桑德斯推广开来的。Traders looked eastwards to India and beyond.商人把眼光投向东方的印度和更远的地区。He is one of Britain's most respected businessmen.他是英国最受尊敬的商人之一。Let's consider the case of a dealer trying to make a sale.我们来考虑一下一个商人想要做成一笔生意的情况。As the recession hit, many traders were forced out of business.由于遭受经济衰退的冲击,许多商人都破产了。He's not the most sophisticated businessman you'll ever meet, but he's no greenhorn.他不是你将碰到的商人中最老练的,但他也绝不是新手。In the hall was a magnificent vase, which was a gift from a Japanese businessman.大堂里摆着一只漂亮的花瓶,那是一位日本商人赠送的礼物。A party of Japanese businessmen will be visiting the factory next week.一队日本商人将于下周来工厂访问。Gangsters have been extorting money from local businessmen.歹徒们一直从当地商人那里敲诈钱财。At work, George was known as an uncompromising businessman.乔治工作时是一个不肯让步的商人The group claims that billions of dollars in property and bank accounts was confiscated from Jewish businessmen in the Second World War.该组织称二战期间犹太商人被没收了上百亿美元的财产和银行存款。Malcolm is a shrewd businessman.马尔科姆是个精明的商人All the businessmen were wearing pinstripe suits.所有的商人都穿着细条纹的套装。Some businessmen said that they had Locarnized.有一些商人说他们已用和解办法解决了争端。The merchant received a large order for coal.商人接到一份要求大量供应煤炭的定单。A businessman must be continually on the jump.商人必须雷厉风行。At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant.社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.在俄罗斯的欧洲商人所面临的巨大困难是显而易见的。These businessmen are in the main honest.这些商人大都很诚实。Many wealthy businessmen contribute to political parties.许多富有的商人为政党出力。The merchant overreached me in a business deal.那个商人在一笔生意上诈骗我。The canny trader made a large profit.这个精明的商人赚了大钱。As a wealthy businessman, he couldn't even begin to imagine real poverty.作为一个富裕的商人,他难以想象真正的贫穷是什么样子。They claim he kicked back money to politicians and businessmen.他们声称他给政客和商人回扣。He was a hard-boiled businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.他是一个不动感情专讲实际的商人,深知自己的利益所在。Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.这样的态度是大多数商人所反感的。The executive board is made up of public officials, citizens, and businesspeople.管理委员会由公务员、市民和商人组成。Charles quite plainly did not fit the stereotype of a successful, high powered businessman.查尔斯显然与那种干劲十足的成功商人的典型形象不相符。




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