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Some birds were pecking at the corn.有几只鸟在啄食谷物。The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.鸟儿啄食面包屑。Chickens picked about the yard.鸡群在院子里到处啄食。A hen was pecking around for grains of corn.一只母鸡正在四处啄食谷粒。Geese were pecking around for food.鹅在地上四处啄食。He is said to have painted a trompe l'oeil of grapes which was so realistic that birds tried to peck at them.据说他画过一幅葡萄仿真画,栩栩如生,引得鸟儿都去啄食。Chickens pecked in the dust.鸡在尘土中啄食。The woodpecker's long beak is specially designed for pecking.啄木鸟有很长的喙,专门用来啄食。They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds.他们用网罩住果树以防鸟来啄食。A plump brown hen was pecking around for stray grains of corn.一只肥得圆滚滚的棕色母鸡正在四周转悠,啄食零星谷粒。We covered the blueberry bushes in nylon mesh to keep the birds from the fruit.我们用尼龙网把蓝莓灌木丛给罩住了,不让鸟儿啄食。Hens peck at the flower beds.母鸡在花坛间啄食。I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.我常常会把被风吹落的水果留给鸟儿们啄食。You should net the strawberries to keep the blackbirds away.你应该用网罩住草莓,免得乌鸫啄食。The bird pecked insects from the log.鸟儿从木头中啄食小虫。It was winter and the sparrows were pecking at whatever they could find.时值冬季,麻雀啄食着能够找到的任何东西。Seagulls were pecking and fighting over some dead thing.海鸥正在争抢着啄食什么死的动物。The bird pecked the crumb rapidly from between my fingers.这只鸟迅速地啄食我指间的面包屑。If you throw down a few grains in front of a chicken it will peck at it.如果你在鸡面前扔一些谷物,它就会去啄食。 |