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词汇 哭着
例句 He would fall to his knees sobbing and begging for forgiveness.他会跪下哭着乞求宽恕。The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms.小男孩哭着向妈妈跑去,一头扑在了她的怀里。I stood there crying and shaking with fear.哭着站在那里,吓得发抖。She arrived weeping, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.她来的时候一边哭着,一边用纸巾抹着眼泪。She was led away from the courtroom in tears.哭着被带离法庭。They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping.他们叫着哭着被家里拖出去。One woman cried as she told of the horror of seeing workmates killed in the lift.一位妇女哭着述说自己看到同事在电梯里被害时的恐怖情景。She was visibly shaken by the severity of her sentence, and left the court in tears.量刑之重显然使她大受打击,她哭着离开了法庭。He pleaded tearfully for help.哭着请求帮助。I stood there, crying and shaking with fear.哭着站在那里,怕得发抖。She ran offstage in tears.哭着跑下舞台。She was crying like a baby.她像孩子一样哭着She cried all the way home from school that day.那天她一路哭着从学校回到家。We stood there crying and hugging each other.我们站在那里哭着互相拥抱。




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