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例句 First, let's decide what our priorities are.我们先来决定哪些是首要的事。What exactly will the impact of all these communication innovations be?所有这些通讯上的革新,将具体产生哪些影响?You can arrange your viewing for the weekend.你可以对周末收看哪些节目进行安排。We do not know which traits are inherited and which acquired.我们不知道哪些特征是遗传的,哪些是后天获得的。Which sports do you play at school?你们在学校里参加哪些体育运动?The Treasury has still not decided where the cuts will fall.财政部尚未决定削减哪些开支。We found out by trial and error which plants could survive the dry conditions.通过反复试验,我们知道了哪些植物能够在干旱的环境下生存。Are you clued up on what points to look for when buying a used car?买旧车要注意哪些事项你清楚吗?What do you regret most leaving undone?哪些未竟之事使你最感遗憾?The scientists will study the variety of trees and observe which are fruiting.科学家们会研究各种树木,并观察哪些会结果实。What are some of the characteristics of this breed of dog?这种狗有哪些特征?There is a standard procedure for recording drugs given to patients.有一套例行程序记录给病人开了哪些药。Donor countries are becoming more choosy about which countries they are prepared to help.捐赠国在愿意帮助哪些国家的问题上越来越挑剔了。Are there any particular topics that you would like me to explain further?你还有哪些特别的主题希望我进一步解释的?The polls show that it is difficult to generalize about which issues were most important to voters.民意调查显示,很难笼统地说哪些问题对于选民来说是最重要的。One of the main findings of the survey was the confusion about the facilities already in place.这项调查的一个主要发现就是对于哪些设备已经到位搞不清楚。What were the odds against?不利情况有哪些呢?We might take a look at what wants doing right now.我们不妨调查一下哪些事情需要立刻就做。What kink did he have in his character?他性格中有哪些怪癖?Which computer languages do you know?你懂得哪些计算机编程语言?Which states have lotteries?哪些州发行彩票集资?Are there some countries that have been able to tackle these problems successfully?.有没有哪些国家已经能成功解决这些问题了?Pay attention to the crossed names.注意哪些划掉的名字。When he's telling you something, you never know what's fact and what's fiction.他告诉你事情的时候,你永远都不知道哪些是事实,哪些是杜撰的。A general discretion was given to him to make grants to particular persons.他被授予发放补助给哪些具体人选的总的决定权。The governor has not yet decided what measures should be taken.州长尚未决定该采取哪些措施。The team collectively must decide what resources they need and how they are to be used.全队必须集体商定需要哪些资源以及如何使用这些资源。Know about backup flights on other airlines if the flight you're booked on is cancelled.了解一下,如果你预订了座位的那班飞机取消的话,可换乘其他航线的哪些航班。What all do we need to do? 我们需要做的都有哪些事?What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件? I can't remember which teachers I had.我记不清哪些老师教过我。Which varieties of tomato grow well here?哪些品种的西红柿在这里长得好?What subjects are you studying?你们在学哪些课程?The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。She glanced at the table of contents to see what stories were included.她瞥了一眼目录,看看包含了哪些故事。Children need clear rules about what is allowed and what isn't小孩子需要明确的规定,哪些可以做,哪些不可以。What kind of camping supplies will we need for the weekend?我们周末需要哪些野营用品?There are so many diets on the market, how do you know which to choose?市场上有如此多的食物,你怎么知道该选哪些呢?I told him what he must do. 我告诉过他必须做哪些事。Pressure sensors in the seats tell the system which ones aren't occupied.座位上的压力传感器告诉系统哪些座位上没有人。




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