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词汇 哪一种
例句 Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.请阅读合同中的附属细则,以便弄清您究竟参保的是哪一种There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.蕨类植物有许多不同的种类,无论哪一种都不长花。Why don't you play around with the different fonts on the computer and see which one you want to use?你为什么不在电脑上试试各种不同的字体,看看你想用哪一种Which bread do you prefer, brown or white?你喜欢哪一种,黑面包还是白面包?Consult your owner's manual for information on what oil to use and how often it should be changed.该使用哪一种油以及多久需要更换一次,请查阅你的用户手册。The two designs are similar but not the same. Which do you prefer?这两种设计相似但不一样。你喜欢哪一种Either he forgot about the meeting or he deliberately stayed away – I don't know which.要么是他忘了要开会,要么是他故意躲开,我不清楚是哪一种情况。What sort of work are you experienced in?你对哪一种工作有经验?Architects usually specify which particular hardwood they want to use.建筑师一般会明确说明他们要用哪一种特别的硬木料。Introduce foods one at a time and notice if you feel uncomfortable with any of them.一次加进一种食物,注意是否有哪一种令你感到不适。What sort are you looking for?你在找哪一种Which would you like, tea or coffee?你喜欢哪一种,茶还是咖啡?We could eat Chinese, Indian, or Italian. Do you have any preference?我们可以吃中餐、印度餐或者意大利餐。你喜欢哪一种For the best results use olive oil. Not just any olive oil, mind – only the finest quality will do.要获得最佳效果就要使用橄榄油。 注意,不是随便哪一种橄榄油,要质量最好的才行。Which do you like better, the red tie or the green one?你更喜欢哪一种,红色领带还是绿色的?It's either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I've forgotten which.她说的要么是西班牙语,要么是葡萄牙语,我忘了是哪一种了。I'll get you some ice-cream. What kind would you like?我给你拿些冰淇淋来,你喜欢哪一种的?There is no hint as to which of the approaches essayed in this book will prove most useful.关于书中的可尝试的方法中哪一种最有效这一点,没有任何暗示。It's worth comparing a range of models before deciding which one to buy.比较一下各种型号,然后再决定买哪一种,这是值得的。Scientists have devised a test that shows who is most likely to get the disease.科学家发明了一种测试方法,此方法可显示哪一种人最易患这种病。We tried the furniture in different configurations to see which fit best.我们尝试了不同的家具布局,看看哪一种最适合。Iasked her what kind of music she liked.我问她喜欢哪一种音乐。What kind of paper was the letter typed on?那封信是打在哪一种纸上的?The Party seems to be unsure which of two opposing political philosophies to follow.该政党似乎不能肯定两种对立的政治思想中该信奉哪一种




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