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The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.应答器发出哔哔声,我留下了一则口信。When we turned the boat about, the signal began to bleep again constantly.当我们把船调头的时候,信号器又不停地发出哔哔声。I could hear a beeping noise.我听得见刺耳的哔哔声。Please leave your message and phone number after the beep.听到哔哔声后请留言并留下电话号码。Quick-thinking TV bosses bleeped out the abuse.反应敏捷的电台台长们用哔哔声盖过了辱骂声。He dialed the number, and heard the beep of his son's answering machine.他拨了那个号码,听见了他儿子答复机的哔哔声。When the cooking time's up, the microwave will beep.当烹饪时间到了的时候,微波炉会发出哔哔声。Her wrist watch beeped.她的腕表发出哔哔声。A censor blipped the swearwords.审查员把粗鄙的话用哔哔声消掉。All the swear words had been bleeped out.所有的粗话都用哔哔声盖掉了。The monitor bleeped.监测器发出了哔哔声。The machine emits regular bleeps which indicate the heart rate.机器发出有规律的哔哔声显示心率。 |