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词汇 哑剧
例句 It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.音乐、哑剧动作和强烈的视觉影像在表演中产生了强烈的效果。Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime.在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。The three members act out a mime on the dance floor.这三个成员在舞池内表演了一出哑剧Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。The stories are enacted using music, dance and mime.这些故事利用音乐、舞蹈和哑剧的形式在舞台上被再现出来。The dumb show was a scream.那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。The first scene was performed in mime.第一场是以哑剧形式表演的。Opera and pantomime fuse to create pure magic.歌剧和哑剧融合形成纯粹的魔术。I remember asking her to mime getting up in the morning.我记得曾经让她用哑剧动作表演早上起床的情景。It's an evening of music, drama and pantomime.晚会上汇集了音乐、戏剧和哑剧The whole of the banquet scene is mimed.整个宴会的场景是以哑剧的形式表演的。There's a lot of cross-dressing in British pantomimes, where men dress up as Dames and a woman plays the part of the young hero.英国哑剧中经常有女扮男装和男扮女装的情况,如男子装扮成贵妇人,女子扮作年轻的男主角。Personally I've always considered mime to be a lot of whimsy.我个人一直认为哑剧就是瞎胡闹。The children learn through role-play, dance and mime.儿童通过角色扮演、舞蹈和哑剧来学习。It was performed entirely in mime.它完全是以哑剧形式表演的。He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.他会包括哑剧和抛接杂耍在内的表演,种类多得惊人。Some bands were playing, there was a mime, and some street theatre.一些乐队在演奏,有一个哑剧小丑,还有一些街头剧表演。Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。She is studying mime at a college of drama.她在戏剧学院学习哑剧表演艺术。




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