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词汇 响声
例句 The noise excited me to uncontrollable terror.那一响声让我不由自主地感到害怕。The wind rustled through the woods.风吹过树林,发出飒飒的响声A short time later I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.过了一小会儿我听到外面有响声便出去查看。That thing made an ungodly racket.那东西发出了令人无法忍受的响声A siren blared out somewhere behind us.汽笛在我们身后发出刺耳的响声A terrible noise assaulted our senses. 我们听到了刺耳的响声Droplets of fat hissed in the flames.一滴滴动物油在火中发出咝咝的响声A sudden noise made Ben jump.一声突然的响声吓了本一跳。The least noise would startle her.最小的响声也会吓着她。Aflock of birds rose in front of him, their wings whirring.一群鸟从他前面飞起来,翅膀发出呼呼的响声She was halfway down when she heard the noise.她向下走到一半时听到了那个响声The hooting of a horn made me turn round.喇叭的响声使我回过头去。There were frightening noises outside my tent.我的帐篷外面传来吓人的响声The sound of western music blasted as she entered.她一进去就听到西部音乐震天的响声Amy's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor.埃米走过走廊时,脚上的鞋子在地砖上发出咯吱咯吱的响声That strange noise gave me the shivers.那奇怪的响声使我不寒而栗。Tom did not hear the faint sound of the creature's wary advance.汤姆没有听见这个动物小心翼翼前行时所发出的微弱响声The wheels of the cart made a terrible clatter on the road.马车轮子在路上发出哐当哐当的响声Muffled noises were coming from the room, the only recognizable sound being her daughter's laughter.隐隐约约的响声从房间里传出来,唯一辨认得出的是她女儿的笑声。Do you have to make so much noise?你非得要弄出那么大的响声吗?Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.在空无一人的办公室里,电话铃徒然发出尖锐刺耳的响声Their boots crunched loudly on the frozen snow.他们的靴子踩在冰冻的雪上发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声A strange noise issues from the next room.隔壁房间里传出奇怪的响声The buzzer suddenly responded in a long blast of sound.蜂鸣器突然发出一阵长长的响声The crisp, dry leaves rustled underneath her feet.她踩着又干又脆的树叶,发出沙沙的响声She could hear banging coming from the room upstairs.她听到楼上的房间传来砰砰的响声Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声I heard a curious noise last night.昨晚我听见一个奇怪的响声There was a heavy thud as his body hit the floor.他的身体撞到地上时,发出了沉闷的响声The least noise would startle the child.最小的响声也会使孩子惊跳。Eyewitnesses spoke of a noise followed by a huge red light.目击者说响声过后出现了一道耀眼的红光。The motor is loud by design. 发动机响声大是专门设计成这样的。The noisy timer told us the casserole was ready.定时器的响声告诉我们炖锅菜已经做好了。He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来。The noise spooked the cat.响声把那只猫吓了一跳。Where's that thumping noise coming from?那个咚咚的响声是从哪里传来的?I heard a noise and went downstairs to investigate.我听见响声,就下楼去看个究竟。The noise startled the horse into a gallop.响声把马吓得飞奔起来。There was a sickening crash as her head hit the ground.她的头撞在地上,那响声让人揪心。I could hear the wind chimes hanging in the window.我可以听到挂在窗口的风铃发出的响声




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