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词汇 哈罗德
例句 Harold's shirtfront was covered in blood as a result of a heavy nosebleed.哈罗德鼻血流得厉害,结果衬衣前胸处沾满了血。He caught a taxi to Harrods.他打了辆出租车去哈罗德百货商店。Harold paced nervously up and down the platform.哈罗德在站台上不安地踱来踱去。He does Harold Wilson very well.他学哈罗德·威尔逊的样子,学得很像。Harold's rating of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering.哈罗德对他兄弟创作品的评价不怎么地。Harold is in sore need of money.哈罗德迫切需要钱。I'm sick of Harold, he's always telling me what to do.我讨厌哈罗德,他老是对我指手画脚。Uncle Harold padded out of the room, barefoot.哈罗德叔叔光着脚悄悄走出了房间。Go and let them in, Harold.去让他们进来,哈罗德The world premiere of Harold Pinter's new play casts Ian Holm in the lead role.哈罗德·品特新剧的世界首演由伊恩·霍尔姆担纲主演。During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major.在战争中哈罗德晋升为少校。Bill opened the door to Harold and greeted him with cries of welcome.比尔给哈罗德开了门,欢呼着迎接他。Harold was supposed to organize the trip, but he just didn't have the time.应该由哈罗德来组织这次旅行,但他就是没有时间。It was Harold's desire that he should be buried next to his wife.哈罗德希望能葬在妻子墓旁。Janice repeated word for word what Harold had told her.贾妮丝一字不漏地把哈罗德跟她说的事重复了一遍。Harold jumped out of the car just before it went over the cliff.就在汽车从悬崖边翻落下去之前,哈罗德从车里跳了出来。Harold is part of a tightly knit team.哈罗德是一个紧密团结的小组中的一员。Harold took a great shot of the dogs playing together.哈罗德拍了一张很棒的几只狗嬉戏的照片。Harold's rating of some of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering.哈罗德对他兄弟的某些创作的评价并不是太恭维。There's a sale on at Harrods.哈罗德百货正在大减价。Orange juice dribbled down Harold's chin.橘子汁从哈罗德的下巴上滴下来。Harold had a broken collarbone.哈罗德的锁骨骨折了。Harold had all the copies collected up and burned.哈罗德将所有的副本收集起来烧毁了。The idea of Uncle Harold outside Nicola's door nauseated him.一想到哈罗德叔叔在尼古拉的门外他就觉得恶心。The mirror was a bargain buy in a Harrod's sale.这面镜子是在哈罗德百货公司大减价时买到的特价商品。Harold was lying propped up on cushions.哈罗德倚在软垫上躺着。We spent a dull afternoon with some of Harold's business associates.我们一下午都和哈罗德的一些生意合伙人在一起,非常无聊。Everyone laughed, but Harold didn't seem to get the joke.每个人都笑了,但是哈罗德好像没听懂那个笑话。His production of Harold Pinter's play fails to impart a sense of excitement or danger.他所执导的哈罗德·品特的剧作没能表现出紧张、危险感。




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