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词汇 哀悼
例句 The period of mourning and bereavement may be long.丧亲和哀悼的悲伤会持续很久。The mourners followed the funeral procession, weeping and wailing.哀悼的人们跟在送葬队伍后面,悲声哭泣。He offered his condolences but stopped short of apologizing.他表达了哀悼之情,但还是没有道歉。They bemoaned the mayor's death.他们哀悼市长之死。Thousands mourned for him.成千上万的人为他哀悼All the neighbours and relations who had come to mourn stood around the coffin.前来哀悼的所有邻居和亲戚都站在灵柩的周围。A singer on the country music station was singing a lament for the late, great Buddy Holly.乡村音乐电台中,一位歌手正演唱歌曲哀悼已故的伟大音乐人巴迪·霍利。He is grieving for his dead father.他在哀悼死去的父亲。Please accept my condolences.请接受我的哀悼They are still mourning the death of their daughter.他们仍在哀悼他们的女儿。The whole world mourned his death.举世哀悼他的逝世。Her poems mourn the passing of girlhood.她的诗歌哀悼逝去的童年时代。Human rights groups declared what they called a day of mourning and protest.人权组织宣布了它们确定的哀悼和抗议的日子。She is still mourning her husband, who died last year.她仍然在哀悼去年过世的丈夫。The entire city is mourning his death.全城都在为他的逝世哀悼As the nation continued to mourn, the new President of South Africa paid his own tribute.举国仍在哀悼之际,南非新任总统也表达了自己的怀念之情。When he dies, people throughout the world will mourn. 他去世时,全世界的人都会为他哀悼A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives.葬礼可以渲染生者痛失亲人的哀悼之情。She'll know how to keen for the dead.她将会知道该如何哀悼逝者。Black clothing signifies mourning.黑色衣服意味着哀悼The whole nation had mourned the death of their great leader.举国向去世的伟大领袖表示了深深的哀悼Feeling angry, depressed, and confused is all part of the mourning process.愤怒、忧伤和不知所措,这些都是哀悼过程中人们常有的情绪。The wearing of black clothing is often a symbol of mourning in Western cultures.在西方文化中,穿黑色衣服常象征哀悼The entire nation went into mourning.举国哀悼The coffins stood in the baking heat surrounded by mourners.棺材放在炽热的太阳下,周围是哀悼的人们。His passing will be mourned by many people.将有很多人哀悼他的离世。People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to.必须容许人们哀悼逝去的亲人,直到他们感到足够为止。We all wept in silence for the deceased.我们都默默为死者哀悼Expect to feel angry, depressed and confused. It's all part of the mourning process.理应感到愤怒、忧伤和不知所措,这些都是哀悼的组成部分。When Churchill died, the whole nation went into mourning.丘吉尔逝世,举国哀悼The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.该国在哀悼这位伟大的战争领袖之死。The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.黑色历来是和哀悼相关联的。The poem is a lament for a lost love.这首诗是对一段逝去之爱的哀悼We mourn for our fallen soldiers.我们哀悼阵亡的兵士。Thousands of people mourned his death/passing.成千上万的人哀悼他的去世/逝世。The tribesmen are mourning the death of their chief.那部落里的人正在哀悼他们首领的去世。As the nation continued to mourn, the new President paid his own tribute.在举国哀悼的同时,新任总统也亲自致哀。People around the world mourned his death.世界各地的人们都哀悼他的逝世。




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