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词汇 咕哝
例句 He mumbled a few words.他小声咕哝了一句。Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.他们所谓的回答不过是表示承认的咕哝罢了。Michael went bright red, and muttering something inaudible, he walked out of the room.迈克尔涨红了脸,咕哝了几句含糊不清的话,然后走出了房间。Clive made a noise, something like a grunt.克莱夫发出一种声响,像是咕哝了一句。Stop mumbling, for goodness sake.看在老天爷面上,别再咕哝了。Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.尽管他只是在咕哝,可是他的措词却让罗德妮恼火。The children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.孩子们咕哝着登上了公共汽车。Making an inarticulate sound, he turned away.他含糊不清地咕哝了一声后转身走了。He burbled something incomprehensible.他不知咕哝了些什么东西。He was drunk and fell into bed with a woozy grunt.他喝醉了,带着酒意咕哝一声就倒在床上。They murmured something vaguely when I asked how long they had been there.我问他们到了有多久了,他们含含糊糊地咕哝了一句什么。I looked at the ground, shuffled my feet and mumbled something.我盯着地面,脚动来动去,嘴里咕哝着。She mumbled an apology in an agony of embarrassment.她极为尴尬地咕哝着道了歉。He grunted his thanks.咕哝着表示感谢。He muttered an apology and then left.咕哝着道了歉,然后离开了。He grunted a monosyllabic reply.他只咕哝出几个字算是回答。He murmured something she didn't quite catch.咕哝了一句什么话,她没有听清楚。She grunted something I didn't catch.咕哝了一句什么,可我没有听清。I couldn't understand what he was mumbling about.我不知道他在咕哝什么。He collapsed on the floor, mumbling incoherently.他瘫倒在地板上,口齿不清地咕哝着。He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter.他始而大喊大叫,后来把声音渐渐放低,变成小声咕哝了。A non-committal grunt was his only reply.他只是不置可否地咕哝了一声,算作回答。He mumbled something and then left.咕哝了句什么就走了。He muttered something unintelligible.他嘴里不知咕哝了些什么。He mumbled something which I translated as agreement.他嘴里咕哝了句什么,我想是表示同意。He grunted an apology.咕哝着道歉。She was staring into the fire muttering.她目不转睛地盯着火苗,小声咕哝着。Her only response was to mumble inarticulately.她的唯一反应是含混不清地咕哝He gave a non-committal grunt in reply.他似是而非地咕哝着应了一声。He swallowed his words, he gulped, he panted and slurred.他嘴里咕哝着,咽了一口唾沫,气喘吁吁的,还是语无伦次。The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations.老妇人沿街走着,嘴里咕哝着骂人的话。He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.咕哝了些什么,然后食物丝毫未动就进了起居室。He mumbled something I didn't hear.咕哝了一句什么,我没有听见。He replied with a grunt.咕哝着答应了一声。Stop muttering and speak up!咕哝了,大声说出来!One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。His father grunted at him as he left the room.他离开房间时,父亲对他咕哝了几句。She asked him a question and he grunted in reply.她问了他一个问题,他咕哝了几声算是回答了她。Jacob glared and muttered something.雅各布瞪着眼睛,嘴里咕哝着什么。She grunted a reply.咕哝着回答。




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