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词汇 和美
例句 The British, Canadians, and Americans might be called cousins.英国人,加拿大人和美国人可以称为兄弟。There was a baby boom in the UK and the US after the Second World War.二战后,英国和美国都出现了一次生育高峰。Students are allowed to take European history and American history.学生可以选修欧洲史和美国史。The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America's new leader.首相决意要和美国的新任领导人建立良好的关系。Munich is famous for beer and food.慕尼黑以啤酒和美食驰名。Several different kinds of buffalo live in Asia, Africa, and America.几种不同的水牛生活在亚洲,非洲和美洲。British and American pronunciation is often very different.英国和美国的发音经常很不一样。The speech was strikingly similar to one given by the American President earlier this year.这个演讲和美国总统在今年早些时候发表的演讲异常相似。He had written a poem about Sylvia, praising her charm and beauty.他写了首诗来赞美西尔维娅的魅力和美丽。The book features the writer's reflections on America and its people.这本书明显地表达了作者深思后对美国和美国人的看法。The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding.这个教育计划依靠外国援助,资金问题已经和美国的国际发展机构联系过了。If it's culture you're looking for, the city has plenty of museums and art galleries.如果你要寻找文化,这个城市有很多博物馆和美术馆。After two years of talks, the Russians and the Americans finally reached an agreement.经过两年的会谈,俄罗斯和美国终于达成了协议。Readers are given a distorted version of America and American life.读者看到的被歪曲的美国和美国生活。The SAS and American special forces have the expertise to engage in cave and tunnel warfare.英国特种空军部队和美国特种部队应对洞穴战和隧道战很在行。We are British and American citizens in good standing.我们是真正的英国和美国公民。An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.壮大的拉丁国家群体抱团和美国谈判会更有底气。It was quite a wrench leaving that house and beautiful garden.离开那座房子和美丽的花园是很痛苦的。He was transferred to FBI custody in a smooth co-operative effort between Egyptian and US authorities.在埃及和美国当局的顺利合作下,他被转移到了联邦调查局的监护之下。British soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder with American and French troops.英国士兵和美国、法国的军队并肩作战。The crucial difference between Britain and America is the class system.英国和美国最重要的区别是社会阶层体系。They offer ear piercing, facials, massage, and manicures. 他们的服务包括穿洞、面部美容、按摩和美甲。He has been trying to mend fences with the United States.他一直在设法和美国修好。Her two great recommendations are youth and beauty.她的两大优点是年轻和美貌。British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.英国和美国的战舰已准备好在必要时将本国公民撤离出去。Maria had spirit and intelligence as well as beauty.玛丽亚活力、才智和美貌兼备。British and American spellings differ in many ways.英国英语和美国英语的拼写有很多不同。Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.和美都是抽象的概念。The collection includes all the band's British and American hit singles.专辑中收录了该乐队在英国和美国的所有热门单曲。In those days there was no reliable system of transportation between Alaska and the rest of the US.那时候,阿拉斯加和美国其他地区还没有可靠的运输系统。It must be noted, however, that not all British and American officers carried out orders.然而,一定要注意不是所有的英国和美国军官都执行了命令。The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大。If this is the case, then improvement in people's welfare and in the environment will merely be empty words.如果情况是这样的话,改善人民福利和美化环境只会成为空话。Bindegolly national park abounds in wildlife and scenic beauty.宾德高利国家公园到处都是野生动物和美丽的景色。Reports of ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia forced the European states and the US into taking action.关于该国种族清洗的报道迫使欧洲国家和美国采取行动。The president's remarks do not entirely chime with those coming from American and British politicians.总统发表的讲话和美英政治家所说的不完全一致。The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.政府准备在必要时让英镑降到和美元平价。There is no American geopolitical motivation for hostility between Iran and the US.伊朗和美国之间的敌对状态不存在美国地缘政治方面的动机。The class structures of England and America are quite different.英国和美国的阶级结构极不相同。Some of the Government front bench still believe our relationship with the US is paramount.一些政府前座议员仍然相信我们和美国的关系高于一切。




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